"Ok." I was still laughing.

(Pretend it's Jonah not blake XD)

"So you and Jonah have had some pretty funny moments together." The interviewer said laughing.

"Ya he's...hilarious." We were both laughing. After a few more questions I left and went to the last show with Arii and we were messing around and laughing. We had 1 hour before the show started and she was recording everything.

"Yo Ariel we should test the speakers."

"You just want me to dance." We both laughed.


"Fine turn on Charlie puth it gets me hyped up."

She turned on the music and I started dancing.



We were all hiding out backstage watching Ariel and Arii. I missed her sooo much! I think Jonah's being a good boyfriend by coming here and surprising Ariel like this it's soo sweet! At the end of the show we're gonna crash the last song and all go up there and sing and dance.



I heard Arii turn on the music and I started dancing while she recorded.

(Pretend I'm doing this dance.)

"Ayeee AYEEE KILL IT!!!" Arii cheered as the music kept hyping me up. Soon everyone was recording.

"WOOOO AYEEE!!" They were cheering. Soon we were all dancing on stage. They asked me to teach them to dance.

Then Arii and I danced together and everyone was impressed and recording

(Pretend that's us)

Then afterwards we did a meet and greet and we danced to the songs again for the fans and they loved it!

We all sang these songs...

Personal- Hrvy

Kick It With Me- Zach Clayton

Perf- Baby Ariel

Aww- Baby Ariel

Then everyone got tired so it was just me and Arii so we kept going.

Help me Help you- Logan Paul ft. Why don't we

It was down to the last song when all of sudden the boys and Alyssa, Kyra, Christina, and Emma came on stage around me and started singing to me and I was shocked. Jonah picked me up and kissed me and I was crying in his shoulder cause I missed them so much then Alyssa pushed Jonah away and hugged me.

"You jealous Jonah? I just stole your girl." We laughed.

"Jealous? of you? Never in a million years."

"All of yall back up she's mine I saw her first!" Kyra added. The fans thought this was hilarious.

"Um excuse me but, I was her best friends first so yall can just leave there is a door over there please exit!" Daniel said and we all laughed.

"Yall must be on drugs cause this is MY best friend." Corbyn said backing everyone up.

"Your all crazy." Was the only thing Zach had to say before hugging me.

"You guys no she's mine!" Emma spoke up. After a few hours of arguing we all went home.

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