How you met (Winchesters: part 1)

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Okay guys, in this one I'm going to do the first parts of Sam, Dean, and Adam. I'll do the beginnings of the others in another part, and continue/finish them in yet another part or two. Thanks guys!


Dean: You glanced up when you heard someone clear their throat. You smiled warmly at the man who stood before you. He was tall, with short, dirty blond hair and gorgeous green eyes.

"Can I help you?" You ask, hoping you could be helpful. The man smiled back slightly and pulled an official-looking badge out of his suit jacket.

"FBI, agent Brawner. I'm here investigating the death of the victim of the wolf attack." He replied. You nodded.

"Follow me." You said, walking around the counter and towards the actual morgue. He nodded and walked beside you. You opened the door to the room and stepped in, the agent following closely behind.

Sam: You were walking the halls of the mental asylum you were a patient at, and you glanced into several of the rooms as you passed them. In one of them, you saw a tall man with shaggy brown hair laying on his bed, and he looked exhausted. He was jumping and flinching, but you couldn't see anything. You stepped into the room and gazed at him, concerned. He met your (Y/E/C) eyes with his hazel ones.

"Are you okay?" You asked softly, tilting your head slightly. He nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said, but you shook your head.

"No you're not." You replied. "Do you have voices that bother you?" You asked, taking a slight step closer to him. He glanced off to the side and flinched again, then nodded.

"Yeah," he agreed, "I guess you could say that."

"I hear voices too, you know." You murmured. He turned and gazed at you, and he frowned slightly.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"(Y/N)." You replied softly. "My name's (Y/N). What's yours?" He smiled.

"(Y/N)." He echoed. "That's a pretty name. It suits you." You felt yourself blush slightly. "I'm Sam."

"What are you here for, Sam?" You asked him curiously, stepping closer to him.

"Insomnia and mild schizophrenia." He answered, sighing. "What about you?"

"I'm in for schizophrenia, too." You told him, tugging the sleeves of your shirt down and crossing your arms over your chest. Sam nodded, and you opened your mouth to speak again when you heard a caretaker head towards the room, most likely with his meds.

"I'd better go," you said, turning back to him, "but I'll see you again, okay?" Sam nodded and gave you a small, somewhat forced smile.

"Okay. See ya round, (Y/N)." He said, waving. You waved back an turned, dashing out of the room again.

Adam: You'd known Adam practically your whole life. After all, you'd grown up in the same town.

The first time you ever really talked to him was in second grade and your teacher had paired you as partners for the science fair, and you guys had a huge argument over what to do for your project. You wanted to see which brands of bubblegum blew the biggest bubbles, but he wanted to see which soda had the biggest explosion when you dropped Mentos into them.

"Why can't we just do the bubblegum experiment?" You shouted at him.

"Because that's stupid and girly!" Adam shouted back. "My idea is way cooler." You rolled your eyes.

"Yeah, dropping candy into soda and watch it explode. That's so much better." You retorted sarcastically.

"Yeah, it is." Adam agreed, smirking smugly. "So that's what we're doing."

"No it's not!"

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