Kisses and his favorite place to kiss you

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Dean: Kisses with Dean are always different. Sometimes he just gives you a quick peck on the cheek, and other times his kisses are rough and passionate, and his favorite place to kiss you is your head. No matter what, you love it when he kisses you.

Sam: Sam's kisses are always sweet and loving, though not necessarily gentle. He'll kiss your forehead or your temple when you're upset, or your nose to make you smile, but his favorite place to kiss you is your scarred wrists, and as he does so he tells you that you're beautiful and amazing and that he loves you no matter what.

Cas: The kisses you share with Cas are never without meaning, though you're usually the one to initiate them. Whether he kisses your lips, your nose, or - his favorite place to kiss you - your eyelids, his kisses are tender, soft, and loving, and each and every one of them expresses his affection and devotion towards you.

Adam: Your kisses are passionate. Always, though they're not always rough. He likes to kiss you everywhere, but his favorite place by far is definitely your collarbone; he loves the way it makes you squirm in pleasure.

Gabriel: You love kissing Gabriel, because every time is different. Sometimes he's slow and sweet and soft and gentle when he kisses you, but other times he kisses you with a fierce passion that you can never seem to get enough of. His favorite place to kiss you is your hands because he knows you like sweet little romantic gestures like that.

Balthazar: The kisses that you share with Balthazar are short and sweet and loving more often than not, though they can also be long and lingering. He likes to kiss your ears most of all; he thinks the way you always giggle and try to push him off is adorable.

Kevin: His kisses are always sweet and gentle and loving, and he always saves his most tender and gentle kisses for your shoulders, especially when they're bare and exposed.

Crowley: His kisses are always sweet and loving yet passionate, and he steals lots of them whenever he can, especially on your temples.

Garth: Garth's kisses are always something to savor. He doesn't kiss your lips often, but when he does they're always happy and usually full of giggling. He kisses your nose and fingertips more often than anything else, but you don't mind; you actually think it's really sweet.

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