Chapter 25: True Love (Part 1)

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Minerva and Albus ended up staying in Canada for another 2 weeks. Every other night Jack and Arthur would come over for dinner and dessert, and everyone would eat together. It was truly some of the happiest times they shared over dinner, each one different, every conversation wild with pointless conversations but they were bonding. It came time for Albus and Minerva too leave and it was a hard goodbye but filled with love and closure. Minerva especially clung to Jack before she had too leave, she told him she loved him and showered him with many kisses. Arthur as well, she hugged him tightly and thanked him for all the happiness he had created for her. It was a tender moment for all of them.


It had been nearly 5 months and Minerva's health was noticeably declining rapidly. She had good days and bad days but still she refused to quit teaching every day. It wasn't until she got admitted back to the hospital three weeks ago for collapsing and nearly falling down 3 flights of stairs.

Albus never left her side. He inhabited the chair in her privet room for the whole three weeks she was admitted. He would read the news paper too her, just little things, but he refused too leave. Every night while she was in the hospital wing, she would create enough space in her bed for Albus to crawl in beside her. Before they went too sleep they would always say "I love you." and share a kiss. Her potion intake became more frequent and less spread out, she became exhausted easily and couldn't exert herself too much before getting dizzy and falling over. For once Minerva decided to listen to Poppy and Albus and really take it easy.


"I have been cooped up in that room for 3 weeks. I don't care if you need to wheel me there lets go to the great hall..I want to see Albus." Minerva ordered at her friend. Poppy huffed and pulled out a wheel chair for Minerva.

They entered the great hall for the first time in weeks to have a proper dinner. When the doors pushed open all the houses clapped and she heard a few of the last year boys whistling which made her smile. She hated to be seen like this, weak, frail, helpless, but she wanted to enjoy what little time she had left. Minerva joined all the staff at the table, shortly after she felt Albus grab her hand. He had been telling her about Dolores' constant attempts to taking her place. Just as Minerva glanced over to see the toad dressed in pink, She looked up and their gazes met. Minerva grinned and shot her a quick wink.

"Play nice tabby..." Albus whispered. Minerva grinned to herself looking back out at the crowd of students beginning to dig in. She took in the moment for as long as long as she could, she knew it was going to be one of her last meals with the whole school. Dinner came to an end and the students all filed out headed for their common rooms, Minerva and Albus were split up but decided to meet in her Chambers. She was walking with Poppy to the teachers corridor they made it successfully, Poppy bid her farewell and Minerva entered her chambers. Surprisingly it was dark and Albus was no where to be seen, she entered cautiously and drew her wand out of her robes. She rounded the corner into her drawing room and saw Albus in the arm chair sleeping. Minerva let out a loud sigh closing her eyes, she flicked the fire on luminating the whole area. Albus shot up standing too his feet.

"Oh Min..." He said walking up too her. He kissed her gently on the cheek, she smiled at him placing both hands on his chest and looked into his eyes.

"Albus...." She whispered. "There are so many things I need to say.." She said her voice cracking. Albus shook his head not wanting to hear it. She was fading, and she knew something wasn't right.

"Minerva come on, Let-Lets...." He started to get distraught. "I ca-I can't talk about this Minnie...." He said holding onto her tightly. Minerva closed her eyes fighting back tears, Albus would absolutely break when she was gone.

"Okay Albus..." She whispered pulling away from him. She wiped away his tears with thumb, then cupped his cheek with her hand. She smiled at him weakly.

"Min...I really...really cant lose you." He said swallowing the lump in his throat. Minerva wished she could say something like he wouldn't lose her, or everything would be fine. But it wouldn't be, she was dying.

"Come...lets go to bed huh, we can talk in the morning." She said grabbing his hands. He nodded and followed her into her private quarters. Minerva let her hair down and put it in a braid then changed into her nightgown, she folded down the duvet cover and slid in. Albus came out of the lavatory a few moments later in his sleeping attire and joined her. Minerva flicked the lights off then cuddled up to Albus, the full moon shone brightly through the 2 large floor to ceiling windows in the room illuminating enough light too make out each others faces. Minerva stared into Albus' eyes and smiled leaning in for a kiss. The kiss lingered, it was sweet and full of love. Minerva slowly broke away and placed a few soft kisses on his cheek then laid her head on his chest and laid her arm over his torso. Albus pressed a kiss on the crown of Minerva's head then leaned his chin against her forehead closing his eyes.

"I love you much." He whispered. Minerva sighed tightening her grip around his torso.

"I love you too Albus....Always have, Always will." She whispered.

That night, At age 92 Minerva Mcgonagall passed away peacefully in her sleep in the arms of her lover. The school all gathered in her favourite spot on the north side of the lake for her burial, Sorrow and grief filled the hallways for weeks as the students and staff mourned the loss of the outstanding professor. Albus Dumbledore had locked himself away for months unseen by anyone aside from a couple house elves who brought him meals. They said he was not the same man, completely solemn and sat in the dark. The only people who had seen him were Jack and Arthur, the 3 of them had mourned deeply over the loss of Minerva. Jack took it as hard as Albus, he was devastated. They returned back to Canada a few weeks after, again leaving Albus alone. Umbridge had taken control over Hogwarts and it was a completely different place, no fun was had around. The whole school was crumbling apart, because its foundation was no longer there. Minerva Mcgonagall wasn't there.

(Part 2 will be out tmrw...)

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