Chapter 6: Acquaintances

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"Okay Class....Today We will be turning animals, into water goblets."  Minerva stated confidently.

"Professor!! It's Albus!" Snape bursts into her class room, the whole class turned around staring at him.  Minerva tucked away her wand away and quickly walked to the front of the room.

"Continue this for me..." She whispered sliding past Snape before hearing his answer.   She nearly ran down the hallways and up the stairs too get to Albus's chambers.   She  rushed into his room calling out his name helplessly.  

"min..." he groaned reaching for her.  His hand had started to go all black, a few of his fingers looking rather skeleton like.  Minerva's eyes widened as she fought back tears.

"Oh Albus..." she whined dropping down too his side.

"You must stop Voldemort..." Albus whispered weakly.  Minerva squeezed his hand.

"No, don't get too do this Albus...Not now..." She cried gripping his hand and forearm tightly.  Albus just looked all over her face as a small tear streamed down his face, his lip began to quiver.

"Minerva...Minnie....c'mon min wake up!" Albus said shaking her.  Minerva sat up and rubbed her leaky eyes.


"That dream was awful..." Albus said rubbing her back.  She looked back at him and nodded, tears still pooling in her eyes.  Albus wiped away her tears and grabbed her chin between his thumb and pointer finger looking her dead in the eyes.

"Minnie, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." He said softly.  She smiled then leaned forward kissing his lips tenderly.   They both smiled at each other.

"I don't know what I would do with out you Albus..." Minerva sighed sadly.

"Don't even think about that.." He replied

"hmm okay.." Minerva hummed pulling her self into Albus' chest.  He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head, resting his cheek where he had kissed.  

"I don't want too go to class..." Minerva whined.  Albus chuckled and loosened his grip so she could look him in the eyes. 

"You love teaching...And you are great at it..."

"The kids...seem almost frightened by me..." She said softly.  Albus chuckled again.

"You are very intimidating..." Albus joked with her.  She sat up and hit his arm playfully.

"I'm an old bat now...Maybe I should just retire..." she said flicking her wrist.

"Hogwarts, needs you Minerva...The students need you....And the dark lord is getting stronger, I hate to admit it...but it is happening.  Soon Hogwarts and all the students in it will have to fight to keep it alive...But as long as I am here.  Voldemort will stay far far away. And old bat...seriously if you think you're old I must be ancient!" He said making them both laugh.

Minerva kissed him on the cheek and slowly got up from his bed.  She walked to the door but turned to look at him.

"We will be ready..." She said proudly, with that she walked out of his room leaving his chambers for a day of classes.


"Okay everyone, homework for tonight...." And the whole class groaned.  Minerva was about to sharp tounge them about the importance of homework, but instead she smiled.

"Have a good afternoon everyone..." She said softly.  For a moment everyone was in shock and stared at her.

"You are dismissed!" Everyone got up and cheered about not having homework and she smiled turning to the back of the class to gather her things.

"Professor..." A soft voice called out.  Minerva turned her head to see one of her students.  Amber.  She was a petite little thing, oburn hair, beautiful hazel eyes, a glowing complexion of olive skin.  She was very shy, but was top of the class.

"Yes dear..." She replied.

"I have to say something before I civilly explode.." She said her voice soft.

"Well...go on..."  Amber lowered her eyes and inhaled deeply.

"That the hallway...I know I shouldn't have been out, but I can never sleep at night without my nightly walk.  But, I saw you...and Dumbledor....And I heard him propose too you! And I just..." the girl stopped for a minute.  Minerva was absolutely shocked, she was lost for words.  Was this little girl going to spread their secret...wreck what they have...

"I wanted too wish you the best...Im sure it's hard to keep something like this a secret..." She finished.  Minerva arched her eyebrow and looked the girl over.  This little thing didn't have a mean bone in her body, she only meant well.  Minerva relaxed and smiled.

"Well....Thank you Amber...You are very kind." She said a gratefully as she could.

"I know I am only a student...But if you ever need to just vent too someone....Im sure it's nice to have a female companion. And plus....I have no friends anyways, who would I tell."  Amber said sadly, then turned away to walk out of the classroom.  Minerva's heart ached for the poor girl, she would usually decline such an offer.  But it was time for a change.

"Amber." She called out.  Slowly the girl turned to her.

"I would love a companion..." She said happily.  The girls face lit up, she grinned a little then continued out of the classroom.  Minerva just stared out at the empty classroom for a moment, and sighed happily. Everything seem to be working out great recently, for once in her life she was truly happy.

Minerva decided on staying to finish marking essays and planning new assessments for the students.  After about 4 hours she was completely finished with everything, her hands, neck and back ached badly.  She was looking forward very much to just collapsing into bed and staying in for the night.  She closed the classroom door behind her and locked it, letting out a sigh of relief.  Slowly approaching her room she saw Amber walking down the hall back facing her.  She had told her she took nightly walks, but it doesn't mean it was permitted.  Minerva breathed in to call out her name, but felt a hand on her back and jumped around to she Albus, letting out a loud gasp.

"You better quit scaring me! I might have a heart attack.." She stated quickly and furiously.  Albus smiled down at her pulling her in for a kiss.

"You can never resist..No matter how mad you are.." He said calmly smiling.  Knowing how correct he was Minerva rolled her eyes and hooked her arm around his.  They walked throught the corridors uninterrupted by anyone. 

"I had so much marking to do..." Minerva groaned tossing her things on the ground as she entered her chambers. 

"You could have told me. I would have helped" Albus said grabbing her hands.  He brought one up to his lips and kissed it, then looked her in the eyes.

"You have your own work too do Albus..." She said weakly, closing her eyes unable to hide the fact she was absolutely drained of energy.

"You look exhausted...Let's go too bed."  He let her hands drop to her sides.  She nodded in agreement and walked infront of him to her bedroom.

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