Chapter 7: Worry

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Albus dear..." Minerva called softly peeking her head into his study.  He looked up from his work and smiled taking his glasses off.  She fully walked into his study and closed the door behind her.

"What is it..." He asked as she sat down in the chair infront of his desk.

"Well..." she started. "I...uh.." 

"what's bothering you, just spit it out..." Albus reassured her.

"Okay....well.  Oh Albus, whats going to happen when we get married.  The school will find out. And what will the ministry think! We can't keep this a secret forever...I hate sneaking around late at night.  I want to just be able too be with you, and not worry about being caught...." She finished with a release of air.  Albus stared at her.

"Please say something.." She begged.  He inhaled a deep breath of air.

"Minerva....I hate sneaking around too, but it's for the best.  At least we are able too be together." He said calmly.  She kept her eyes glued to the ground unable to look at him.

"I guess you're right..." She said quietly.

The room stayed silent for a few moments. Each thinking of what to say too one another.  Albus got up from his chair and walked around his desk, he sat on the corner of his desk right infront of Minerva.

"I know it upsets you my love...." He said quietly, Minerva looking up at him finally. 

"But what do you suppose we do....Announce it at breakfast?" He asked grinning.  She smiled up at him.  He was always able too make a joke out of everything saddening.  She stood from her chair and placed her hand on his knee, looking him dead in the eyes.

"Even though I hate sneaking around...I will always do it, as long as I get too see you..." She said leaning in to kiss him.  She stopped centimetres away from his lips

"I love you, Albus Dumbledore..." She whispered before pressing her lips against his.  His hands rested on her hips, as hers were on the sides of his face as she kissed him passionately.  His hands slowly started too move down as the kiss became more ferocious. Minerva broke away panting, putting a hault on everything.

"We can't do this now..I have class in 5 minutes.." She said breathlessly pecking his lips once more.  She slowly left his embrace and headed for the door.

"I'll see you later.." She whispered seductively with a wink before slipping out of his study.  Dumbledore sat in awe at his desk on the same spot she left him in.

"That woman..." He whispered to him self smiling whilst shaking his head getting off his desk to continue his work.


"Amber!" Mcgonagall called out speeding up her pace to catch up with the student.  They had been meeting up for tea quite regularly and had created a strong bond.  One Minerva had never really had with anyone. Except of course Albus. But it was nice too have a female companion, even if it came in the form of a student.

"Professor! Good Morning!" She greeted happily.  She smirked at Minerva as though she knew something.

"What are you grinning about..." She asked as they walked.

"If I am not wrong I do believe you're looking a bit smitten.." she said letting out a little giggle.

"Oh..why..." Mcgonagall flustered.  The duo walked through the busy corridors dodging their way through students.

"Good morning I'm guessing..." She asked raising her eyebrows.  They both laughed together and continued to walk to the classroom.


"You really like that girl huh?" Albus asked sitting down with a cup of tea across from Minerva.  She looked up from the paper over her glasses at him.

"Amber?.." She asked.  He nodded.  She folded up the paper and took off her glasses.

"Yeah...she is very sweet...She is-...Oh never mind..." She said waving her hand.

"Tell me dear..." Albus said softly.  Minerva looked over at him and smiled.

"She is....kind of like the daughter I never had...." She replied looking down at her hands.  "I feel bad for her also....No one talks too her.  And I don't know why, she is so pretty, and funny and nice....It's sad..But she is always so happy..." Minerva finished not realizing she had totally just spoke her mind without meaning to.  Albus tilted his head and searched his wife's face.

"Well Min...She is lucky to have you....because she also is lacking a mother figure..." He said sipping his tea.

"What..." She asked looking up at him.

"Her mother died when she was very young...and her father left her when she was 7....Ever since then she had been living with her uncle.  Who apparently left for weeks on end..." He said sadly.  Minerva couldn't help herself, a few tears rolled down her cheeks. Albus got up from his chair and sat beside her on the couch, pulling her into his chest.

"She has been through so much...and all the poor girl wants is a friend...Albus I feel so bad for her, and I can't do anything." She stated sadly, sniffing. For the first time in his life Minerva Mcgonagall had broken down her tall, thick barriers and cried. Really cried.  He had never seen her like this. It absolutely shocked him.

"you are doing something my darling....You are being her friend..." He said kissing her forehead.   She looked up at him and he wiped her tears away.

"I have never cried like that before....I guess i'm getting softer in my old age..." She said laughing.  Albus chuckled at her and kissed her forehead again. 

"She is lucky too have you..." Albus said caressing her cheek.  Minerva nodded and snuggled into him.  They sat together enjoying the fire, in silence.

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