Chapter 17: Jack!

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"Minerva..." Albus called softly shaking her arm. She rolled over cracking one eye. She groaned groggily throwing the covers over her head. Albus shook his hesd to himself, pulling the blankets slowly off her head. She looked over at him.

"Albus...It's early , I want to sleep..." she said closing her eyes.

"But it's christmas..." He whined like a little kid. Minerva let out a sigh and looked over too him smiling. His big blue eyes shining.

"You are the biggest suck I have ever met Albus Dumbledore..." She chuckled pinching his cheek. Albus smiled leaning over to kiss her, they shared a sweet kiss.

"I have something for you..." Albus said getting up from the bed.

"Wha- Albus no..." Minerva said sitting up. Albus just looked over at her and smiled, he pulled a small bag out of his closet and came back to the bed. He handed the small bag too her excitement all of his face.

"Go on, open it." Albus said happily. Minerva smiled at him then proceeded too open the bag, She pulled out a small velvet box and popped it open. She let out a loud gasp and covered her mouth, tears forming in her eyes. The box contained a beautiful golden ring with a gorgeous ruby, surrounded by dazzling diamonds.

  The box contained a beautiful golden ring with a gorgeous ruby, surrounded by dazzling diamonds

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She looked up at Albus and threw her arms around his neck.

"When I proposed I didn't have a ring..." Albus grabbed the small box from her hand, taking out the ring. He held her hand in his and slid the ring on her finger.

"Minerva....will you do me the amazing honour of being my wife..." Albus asked lovingly. Minerva chuckled through her tears.

"Of course you old coot.." She said wrapping her arms around his neck, she showered him with kisses overwhelmed with the happy sensation.

"I made you breakfast..." Albus said. Minerva pulled away from his embrace to look at his face. She raised both her eyebrows at him.

"really?" she asked skeptically. He nodded his head getting off the bed, he walked around to Minerva's side grabbing her hand as she got off the bed. He lead her down stairs to the table, where eggs, bacon, breakfast rolls, cut fruit and 2 cups of tea sat perfectly. She looked over at Albus in disbelief.

"You did this?" She asked. And he nodded, she smiled at him kissing his lips.

"Okay, lets eat!" He said pulling out her chair, she smirked up at him and he leaned down kissing her forehead. They sat across from eachother talking away about nothing of importance, Albus just sat admiring his new wife. The way she smiled when she talked, her little hand gestures, he just took everything in.


"Minerva I love you..." Albus said rain pouring over both of them. Minerva grabbed both sides of his face kissing him hard on the lips. He held her tightly too his body, both ignoring the rain crashing down on them.

"Albus don't go..." Minerva begged gripping on to him desperately. He looked into her desperate eyes, his heart shattering.

"I have too...." He admitted looking away from her momentarily. She grabbed his face again forcing him to look at her.

"You promise you will come back for me..." She cried. Her tears where mixed with the rain drops but he could tell she was sobbing.

"I promise...Tabby..." he said smiling down at her. She threw her arms around his neck kissing him harshly again. After a few moments they pulled away from eachother.

"go..." she said. Albus looked at her with puppy dog eyes. "GO...NOW!" she yelled. Albus nodded nervously aparating away leaving Minerva alone. She stood letting the rain beat down on her as she stared at the empty place where her lover just stood.


Minerva linked arms with Albus and they walked on into the winter wonderland surrounding the cottage. For most of the time the walked silently enjoying the tranquility and beauty. Albus would look down at Minerva the odd time watching her eyes sparkle with delight and happiness.

"I love you..." He said out of the blue. Minerva looked up at him and grinned laying her head on his shoulder as they walked.

"I love you too.." She replied hugging closely too him. The continued walking through the wintery wonderland enjoying the peace. It was interrupted when they heard a piercing scream. Minerva panicked pulling away from Albus, she looked at him fearfully.

"Jack..." He whispered. They both turned and almost ran to where they heard the scream. They ran past the cabin out to the lake, only to see Jack being attacked by a vicious cougar. A deep red colour stained the sparkling white snow around thr crime scene. Minerva pulled her wand out and yelled a curse killing the beast. Jack laid unconscious bleeding. Albus and Minerva ran up to him both falling to their knees beside the small boy. His face was scratched up teeth marks pierced through the skin on the top of his head and there was a huge slash through his jacket on his chest. Minerva's hands shook as she delicately looked at all his injuries.

"Albus pick him up, bring him to the cottage..." She said nervously. He nodded quickly carfully picking the boy up. They rushed into the cottage and brought him upstairs into the guest room laying him on the bed.

"Min...I do-I don't know what to-to do..." Albus panicked. Minerva placed her hands on his chest.

"Calm down Albus, Go downstairs....I will fix him..." She said calmly looking back at the unconscious boy. Albus nodded leaving the room, Minerva closed the door behind him.

"Okay Poppy....Now its time to use what you've taught me..." Minerva said to herself transfigurating everything she needed.

Minerva came out over an 4 hours later blood covering her hands and clothes.

"Albus..." She called softly from the top of the stairs. Albus shot up from the couch and ran quickly up the stairs tok her side.

"How is he, is he okay?" He asked anxiously. Minerva inhaled deeply closing her eyes.

"There was a lot of blood loss. But he is okay...." Minerva said exhausted. Albus let out a sigh of relief and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"He will have nasty scars on his head and chest for sure.....Im glad we were here to save him in time..." Minerva admitted, practically falling into Albus' chest. He held her closely running his hand up and down her back.

"Minerva...I don't know what I would ever do without you..." Albus said softly kissing the top of her head. She looked up at him exhaustion written all over her face.

"I need to go wash up." She said leaving his embrace.

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