Chapter 24: Raw Emotion

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Albus and Minerva had been in Canada for 2 weeks already and it was truly a happy time. Minerva cooked dinner every night and all the boys mowed down, she enjoyed being with them and they certainly enjoyed her cooking.

Arthur and Jack had returned home after dinner and dessert, Minerva cleaned off the table and dishes and started to clean the kitchen.

"Please sit Min...You have done enough." Albus nearly begged and Minerva continued on cleaning.

"Albus, I am fully capable..." She said ignoring his protests. "I would like to do regular things while I still can." She said coldly. Albus chocked up a bit, she hadn't realized how much that small comment impacted him.

"Min please!" He asked one last time.

"ALBUS! Please stop treating me like I am some incapable child!" Minerva ranted. Albus' face went red.

Albus slammed his fist on the counter.
" I DON'T THINK YOUR INCAPABLE, YOUR ILL MINERVA!" He yelled. She jumped a little as he had never yelled in her presence, let alone at her before. "YOU SHOULD NOT BE EXERTING YOURSELF LIKE THIS! You are Ill Min....Very Ill....You need to be taking it easy!" He finished with anger laced through his words. Minerva looked down to the ground and inhaled deeply, Albus had never yelled at her before it was clear he was very upset. Minerva hung the dish rag and walked around the kitchen island so she was standing right in-front of Albus. His breaths were pinched and his eyes were glazed over.

"I shouldn't have yelled Minerva...I'm sorry-I-I am just so worried about you..." He exclaimed letting out a loud sigh. She looked him over and slowly wrapped her arms around his torso pulling her body into his, she laid her head on his chest. She wasn't mad at him for yelling, he was going through just a rough time as she was. The very last thing she wanted was too get in an argument with him and be mad at each other over something stupid. Albus wrapped his arms around her frail body and laid his cheek on the top of her head, he felt like an ass for yelling at her, but he was just really worried and he had all this built up anger about not being to help her. Minerva lifted her head and looked up to Albus he looked into her eyes sorrowfully.

"Are you okay?" She asked placing a sweet kiss on his cheek. Albus didn't want too let her go, he just wanted too hold her in his arms forever so she felt safe and loved. He slowly nodded his head and she placed her hand on his cheek.

"Don't worry dear...everything will be okay." She said giving him a small smile, Albus looked away from her and sighed.  She kissed his cheek again leaving his embrace.

"Please let me finish this cleaning....Then I will relax all you want." She said with a little grin,  Albus huffed disregarding her humour.  He helped her with the dishes and wiping down the counter tops.  When all the washing up was finished Albus lit up the fire and the two of them curled up on the couch together. 

"Albus..." Minerva called softly.  Albus pulled her in closer to him.

"Yeah Min..." He answered.

"I love you." She said simply, laying her head on his chest.  Albus inhaled deeply and pressed a soft kiss to her temple.

"I love you to Tabby..." He replied.  Minerva smiled to herself,  she had earned that nick name many many years ago from Albus while she was learning to control her animagus form, and it just stuck.  Minerva snuggled in, pulling a fuzzy blanket up over herself and Albus. 

"If I told anyone that you gave indefinite hugs, they would laugh in my face."  Albus said kissing the top of her head.   Minerva snickered

"Well,  I don't love anyone like I love you..." She whispered. In that moment Albus' arms squeezed a fraction tighter and Minerva started to drift too sleep, her body melting into his as every muscle lost its tension.  She felt Albus press another soft kiss to the top of her head, and she closed her eyes.  The crackling of the fire and the warmth of Albus' body lulled her too sleep. 


Minerva slowly blinked her eyes open,  she groaned as she got a sharp pain that shot through her chest.  Albus and her had fallen asleep on the couch,  she remained in the same position.  Head on his chest body pressed close too him.  The pain wasn't seeming too pass and she got uncomfortable.

"Albus." She groaned slightly shaking his arm.  He slowly cracked open his eyes in a panic.  Minerva's discomfort was apparent.  

"Min-wha...what,  are you okay!"  He panicked.  She gripped her chest and pointed for the potion bottle set on the kitchen island.  Albus jumped up off the couch and fetched the vile he popped the top handing it too her.  She quickly tipped her head back emptying the contents of the vile into her mouth. Albus watched in horror, Minerva let out a relaxed sigh and handed him the vile.

"Sorry Albus...That was..unexpected..." She said quietly, laying back down on the couch. Albus sat beside her and placed his hand on her thigh, she opened her eyes and rolled her head too look at him. There was fear and concern still written all over his face, she placed her hand on his chest.

"Im okay Albus..." She breathed. He anxiously nodded his head. "A cup of tea would be good about now..." She said smiling. Albus offered a small grin and got up to start the kettle.   Not long after he returned too the couch with 2 cups of tea,  Minerva reached for the cup her hands shaking gently as she reached for the hot tea.  Albus watched with a sharp eye,  her hands were ashen where the sunlight caught them, not ghostly like a white person, just subdued and greyish.   In that moment it was the first time he had realized how vulnerable she was and how much of a toll her sickness had taken. 

"Thank you my love...." She said softly grasping the cup with both her hands.  He bent down and placed a kiss on the top of her head.  She had realized he had been oddly quite.  When he settles beside her he offers a smile.

"Talk too me Albus...." She said plainly.  He peered her way, face resolutely saddened.  He inhaled deeply.

"Minerva...I ju-I feel useless and scared and I can't do anything to help you, but sit and watch you deteriorate..." He said his face flushing and his eyes glazing over.  Minerva sat silent for a moment,  then shuffled closer too him wrapping her arm around his.  She laid her head on his shoulder.

"You are helping me Albus....At least we are together....As long as I'm not alone, you are helping." She said slowly kissing his cheek.  Albus looked over into big green eyes and let his tears roll down his cheeks.  Minerva frowned she placed her tea cup on the table in front of them,  taking Albus' out of his hand and placing it beside hers.   She looked at the broken man she loved in front of her, and nearly broke down herself.   She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in the crook of his neck,  Albus wrapped arms tightly around her torso. 

"Minerva, I can't lose you.." He cried slightly muffled.  Minerva's chest heaved as she tried to hold back her own tears,  she felt her shoulder become a little damp due too Albus' tears and her heart shattered. She was scared, but he must have been absolutely frightened. Truly she had always been there for him, they were friends during school, then teaching partners, she was his left hand at hogwarts, and not only a lover but his wife. They had done almost everything together, it was going to be hard.
Minerva ran her hands up and down his back and pressed soft kisses on his cheek and neck. She pulled away from him and placed both her hands on his cheeks wiping away his tears with her thumbs, slowly she leaned forward and pressed her lips against his.  

"How about I whip up your some of your favourite, Caramel Short bread...." She said smiling trying too cheer him up.  Albus slightly grinned and closed his eyes inhaling deeply, Minerva cocked her head looking at him solemnly.   Minerva stood up from the couch and he opened his eyes, she looked down at him and cupped his cheek in her hand, she bent down and kissed the top of his head.

"Want too help me..." She said happily trying to lighten the mood.  She grabbed Albus' hands and pulled him up,  She smiled brightly and Albus couldn't help but smile with her.

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