Chapter 20: Emotions

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There was a loud knock at the door.  Minerva looked over to Albus who was sat beside her on the couch.  They both knew the day would eventually come where Albus' son would finally confront him.  Albus got up and walked over to the door, he looked back over to Minerva again and she gave him a nod.  He opened the door and stood shocked for a moment.

"Arthur...." Albus merely whispered. 

"Where is my son..." Arthurs harsh voice echoed from outside.  Minerva felt her protective side start to build up.  She got herself up and went to Albus' side.  She looked at Arthur and arched her eyebrow.

"Jack is upstairs resting." She said calmly.  Arthur looked at her and his gaze almost softened.   He pushed past the both of them and headed for the stairs, Minerva and Albus looked over at eachother at the same time wide eyed.   Moments later Arthur came ripping down practically dragging Jack, Minerva let go of Albus and pulled her wand out pointing it right at Arthur.

"Let the boy go you brute." She hissed standing her ground.  As tears streamed down Jacks cheek Arthur stood wide eyed and almost scared.

"Any acrimony you have towards your father needs to be resolved between you two.   Like grown men,  and that little boy needn't be involved."  She ranted not lowering her wand. 

"Minerva..." Albus called gently.  She raised her hand dismissively.

"Now, let him go.  And I want you and Albus to sit on that couch and resolve whatever family feud you have." She said.  Arthur nodded frightfully at her and let Jack go.  He ran to her side hiding behind her gripping her robes.  She flicked her wand down and looked over to Albus.

"You know what you have too do."  She whispered.  She grabbed Jacks hand and the 2 walked upstairs leaving them.   There was an awkward silence between the 2.

"Thats some woman you've got yourself." Arthur joked.  Albus looked over at him and grinned.  This was going to be a long talk.


Minerva tucked Jack back into bed sitting on the edge beside him.

"Are you okay..." She asked softly rubbing his arm.  He looked up at her sadly

"Its okay boy....Your safe here with us." She said, he had a few stray tears streaming down his face and she wiped them away with her thumb.  Jack moved closer to her, a part of her wanted to move away but some sort of instinct took over and she found herself nestling closer to him.

"Can I ask you something..." Jack asked softly.  Minerva nodded at him.

"Is it okay if I call you grandma?"  Minerva's eyes widened.  Grandma? She had never ever thought about being called that or even being one for that matter.  She was in a sort of shock she didn't know what to say.

"If not...Its okay." He added noticing her discomfort.  Minerva shook her head.

"Why would something like that come up?" She spit out quickly.  Jack grinned at her.

"Well...If Mr.Dumbledore is my grandfather and you are married to him....In some way you are my grandmother." He said, Minerva furrowed her brow at him.  How did he find out?

"You aren't good at concealing your thoughts..." He admitted grinning at her.  She couldn't help but chuckle, he was just like Albus it was crazy.  

"Well I suppose its only suitable..." Minerva answered smiling down at him.  His eyes filled with joy and he smiled at her happily.


"I am sure there are many questions you want to ask me.  And I am willing to answer all of them." Albus said calmy as him and his son sat down on the couch.    The conversation between the two went on from their, feelings were definitely raw and being dished out.  It was about 3 hours later when Minerva came down and the pair where catching up and laughing like old pals, she stood at the top of the stairs admiring the sight.  She was happy Albus was able to resolve a long lasting issue with his son.  She began walking down the stairs toward them and they both stopped talking to look back at her.

"Jack is asleep." She said softly.  Arthur got up off the couch and turned to face her.

"Listen...Im really sorry about earlier. I would never hurt Jack...."  Arthur started.  Minerva raised both her eyebrows at him.

"And I want to thank you for looking after him...I would have never been able to do what you are doing for him." He said looking down at the ground.  Minerva looked around him to Albus, he smiled at her.  She let out a sigh.

"I appreciate it..And I accept your apology." She said raising her chin.  "But believe me I will not hesitate to fire off a hex at you if you attempt something of that sort again." She said tensely, Arthur's eyes widened and he nodded his head quickly.

"Well....I best be off. You don't mind if Jack stays another night do you?" He asked headed for the door. Minerva said it was fine. He said all his goodbyes and was off. Minerva sat down on the couch and let out a loud sigh shutting her eyes. Albus sat beside her and placed his hand on her thigh.

"Everything okay my dear..." He asked softly. Minerva smiled thinking back to what Jack had asked her. She looked over to Albus and smiled brightly. He looked at her with skepticism.

"Minervaaaa..." He asked.

"Jack asked me something Albus...." She said looking into his eyes.


"Well first of all, thanks for leaving out he had magical abilities." Albus mentally slapped himself. "He not only knows you are his grandfather.......but he asked if he could call me his Grandma....." She finish. Albus smiled at her.

"Did he really?" He asked smiling at her and she nodded. "What did you say?..." He asked.

"I was shocked truthfully. No one has ever even called me Mum before.....but now Grandma." She said looking away from Albus. "But...I agreed it be only suitable..." He smiled at her and brought her hand up to his lips placing a soft kiss on it. She looked over at him again.

"Grandma Minnie." Albus said trying to contain his giggle. Minerva gasped.

"Lets keep that nickname between the 2 of us." She said kissing his cheek getting up from the couch. "Don't stay up too late...." She said to Albus as she climbed the stairs. Albus got up off the couch and rushed to her side.

"That talk exhausted me...." Albus said jokingly both chuckling as they approached their bedroom for the night.

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