Chapter 15: Muggle Things

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Albus rolled over and found nothing but cold sheets, he furrowed his brow. Then the scent of bacon filled his nostrils and he knew exactly where she was. He pulled the covers off himself swinging his legs over the side of the bed. walking past the mirror, he stopped and walked back looking at himself.

"How can she even bare too marry me? I am such an old man!" He thought to himself. "maybe a trim? This beard is getting wayy to long."

He was older than Minerva, and it didn't seem too bug her which made him feel more comfortable with her than any other woman. The only reason they went to school together is because he messed around and didn't take school seriously. He finally made his way downstairs to find Minerva over the stove humming a tune, and slightly swaying back and forth. He smiled just standing in silence watching her.

"Albus..." she mumbled lowly. He blushed chuckling.

"if you keep scaring me you will give me a heart attack!" She said looking back at him, he walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist laying his chin on her shoulder. She tilted her head to lean on his humming happily and she continued to fry the bacon for breakfast. Albus kissed her on the cheek then left her to go sit at the little buffet table. Not long after Minerva plated breakfast and carried over 2 plates to the buffet table. Albus inhaled the amazing smell of all the food, quickly picking up his fork and knife ready too dig in. Minerva grinned shaking her head at his immaturity, maturely beginning too eat her breakfast.

"Tabby.." Albus asked.

"mhm.." she answered. Taking a sip of tea.

"I am sorry for leaving you after graduation..." he spit out, Minerva looked up at him relatively confused.

"why would you think of that?" she asked.

"well...I...I just have felt so much regret for that night, how I left things...I really did love you, I never stopped. I could never fill that hole in my heart....And now I have you back....I just don't want to lose you again..." He finished sadly, Minerva dabbed her mouth with her napkin then got up from her chair. She grabbed Albus's hand and pulled him up to stand infront of her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his. After a few moments she pulled away slowly, keeping her lips close too his.

"Albus...I hated you when you left me....But I never stopped loving you..." She whispered bringing her hand up to caress his cheek. He looked down at her and wrapped his arms around her hugging her tightly, he buried his face in the crook of her neck. Minerva held him tightly rubbing up and down his back. Albus had always been a big softie, the man had not even one mean bone in his body.

"I'm not going anywhere soon my love..." she cooed. Albus stayed in her embrace for a few moments longer, slowly pulling away from her. She looked into his eyes and smiled.

"All better..." she asked chuckling. Albus smiled. "big baby..." she teased kissing his cheek. With a snap of her fingers all the dishes started too wash themselves.

"how about you work this muggle thing...." She said pointing too the tv. Albus chuckled.

"Its called a tv Minerva.." He said pressing the button on it turning it on.
"Jack actually showed me how too work it...we could watch a movie." He said. Minerva's face filled with confusion. He grabbed her arm and brought her over to the couch, he flicked through the channels with the remote trying too find something to watch while Minerva sat in amazement. He finally found something and put the remote down.

"Muggle technology.." he said too her. She didn't even look away from the tv she was mesmerized.

"I have never seen anything like it before..." She stated looking over to Albus, he smiled at her shaking his head.


Albus pulled up the thick duvet over both of their bodies, while Minerva couddled up to his side. He grabbed a hold of her hand and kissed her goodnight, shutting off the lights with a quick wave of his hand. Minerva let out a long sigh relaxing herself.

"Goodnight Minerva.." Albus said lowly.

"I love you Albus..." she whispered closing her eyes.

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