Chapter 9: To London

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Woohoo! Miranda put her fears aside to go see Zayn (: I hope you're liking it so far! Back to Miranda's POV! xx.



"London? You're going to London?" my mom sat stunned as I squirmed in my seat. 

"Yeah," I replied softly and my mom frowned.

"You hate planes Miranda," she spoke leaning forward looking at me intensely.

"I know, but I'm not doing this for me, I'm doing it for Zayn," I replied meeting my parent's eyes for a moment. 

"Zayn? Why?" my mom asked quickly and I frowned.

"He loves me," I replied softly as I stood up. My parent's exchanged a glance and looked at me.

"Alright," they spoke and I smiled hugging them both. I was surprised they gave in so easily, but I had graduated and I was only  visiting for a little while anyways. 

"Do you need some help packing?" my mom asked as I made my way towards the stairs. I shook my head as I waved it off and ran up the stairs. I started packing everything I could. I didn't know if it's be hot, cold, rainy, windy so I packed a little of everything. I packed up all my electronics and basically my whole make up table. I looked at my two suitcases. They were nearly ready to explode. I put my "carry on" next to the bags and sighed. I was such a girl. I sat on my bed closing my eyes. I was getting on a plane in a couple hours. I must be insane. I opened my eyes and stood up to pace my floors. I was freaking out. I had to text Zayn. I couldn't do it.

Zayn I don't think I can do this. I'm freaking out. 

I sat in my room trying to watch some TV, but I couldn't focus. 

You can do this Miranda, I know you can. I believe in you and know that you can do this. I love you with all my heart. Come on, do it for me. Xx.

I read the message from Zayn and took a deep breath. He was right. I was going to be fine. I took a deep breath as my dad opened my door.

"You ready?" he asked. Oh my Lord. Had that much time passed already? I nodded with a nervous smile. He grabbed my bags and headed downstairs. I grabbed the ticket and I headed down with my carry on. My family got in the car and we drove to the airport. We got there entirely too fast. nervously got out of the car and got my bags.

"Bye sweetheart, have fun," my mom whispered as she hugged me tightly. She kissed my forehead and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. I hugged my dad and watched as they got in the car. This was it. I let out a breath and headed inside. I went and checked myself in and my bags and headed over to security. I got through and went to my gate. I pulled out my laptop while I waited and video called Zayn.

"Miranda? What's wrong?" he asked immediately as he answered.

"Nothing, I'm at the airport," I said and he nodded.

"Okay, how are you doing?" he asked and I felt tears in my eyes.

"How do you think I'm doing?" I barely got out as I began to cry. 

"Shh, it's okay Miranda, you're going to be fine, just think, in a few hours you'll be here with me," he spoke quickly, but soothingly. I nodded with my eyes shut. 

"Hey, just listen to my songs on your iPod," he winked and I laughed a bit. He smiled and took a deep breath. 

"I've got to squeeze in a few hours of sleep before you come okay? Love you," he whispered as he disconnected. I wiped my eyes and put my laptop away. I heard the loud speaker come on and I knew they were boarding. Being in first class, I gathered my things and stepped on the plane. I immediately felt sick as I sat down. It was very cramped in the plane. First class was very nice though. I relaxed a bit and leaned back. 

"Hey, are you okay?" the person next to me asked and I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"I hate flying," I replied and he nodded nervously. I looked out the window of the plane and tried to imagine what I looked like while Zayn was here. I felt the plane starting to move and I gripped the seat. Relax. Once you get up you'll be fine! Plus you'll be with Zayn in a couple hours anyway...unless the plane crashed. Oh Lord. What if I die? What if there's some sort of terrorist on the plane. Oh God I was going to die. I realized I was hypervenilating and I looked out the window and saw we were already in the air. I had been freaking out so much that I hadn't realized we'd taken off. I felt a whoosh of relief sweep over me and I smiled. I grabbed my iPod and started to listen to Zayn singing.

***Later in London*** 

I got off the plane and I was exhausted. One could fly for so many hours. I looked around to see if someone was waiting for me and sure enough, I saw not a cab driver, but Harry. I went over and he smiled.

"Miranda?" he asked with a grin and I nodded. I saw Niall run over and take my bags for me.

"Thank you," I blushed as I got in their van. Harry and Niall sat on either side of me as a driver entered the van.

"Where's Zayn?" I questioned quickly and Harry looked at me.

"Well, he's still sleeping, we didn't want to wake him up, he really hasn't got much sleep," Harry replied and I nodded.

"How was your flight?" Niall urged nudging my knee. It was so weird for me being in the car with Harry and Niall. I'd only met them through the video calls a few times, but we seemed to all click instantly.

"Well, I was terrified at first, but I freaked out so much I missed take off," I laughed and Niall smiled.

"It's nice to finally meet you in person," Harry yawned and I nodded looking at my feet. 

"Alright, here we are," the driver called back and Niall helped me out of the van carefully. He grabbed my two bags and I followed Harry and him up. 

"Alright be quiet okay Niall?" Harry whispered as he slowly opened Zayn's door. Niall gently set my bags by the couch and he winked at me.

"See you in the morning, have a good night," Harry whispered as he very carefully shut the door. I quietly looked in on Zayn to see he was passed out. I smiled and went to get my pajama's out of my bag. I quietly went into the bathroom and changed. I went into Zayn's room and I just stood there for a minute. I went to his side and pushed him lightly as I knelt down.

"Hmm?" he replied tiredly. I kissed his cheek softly and he seemed to frown, but then his eyes opened. He smiled and jumped out of bed to hug me.

"Oh you made it," he breathed squeezing me tightly. I nodded as I laughed and he pulled away to look at me.

"Were you okay on the plane?" he asked and I nodded quickly. 

"I knew you'd be okay," he whispered tucking my hair behind my ears. I smiled and kissed him quickly. My heart finally stopped racing after that. 

"Are you tired?" he asked softly.

"Yeah I am, that plane ride was exhausting," I whispered and he laughed quietly. He helped me into his bed and he wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm so sorry I left you, that was the stupidest thing I could've done," he whispered and I shook my head.

"Me not telling you sooner I loved you is the stupidest thing," I replied and he rubbed my back gently. He started humming softly and I felt my eyelids growing heavy. It felt so surreal that I was here in London with him. I felt my eyes close and Zayn's lips touch my forehead. I was sure I slept with a smile on my face that night.

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