Chapter 2: Starting School

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So how's it going so far? I don't really know much about Zayn's sisters, so they probably won't be in it much! Please leave me comments (: xx.

As quick as the summer arrived, it was ending just as quickly. We'd had only had about a week of summer left. Zayn and I had become the closest friends, while Waliya had made friends with some girls her age down the street, and Ava usually played with Doniya when she was in the right mood. 

"What if nobody likes me?" Zayn asked that last Friday night as we laid out under the stars in his backyard. 

"Why wouldn't anybody like you?" I asked turning my head to look at him as he gazed intensely at the stars.

"I'm the new kid," he replied softly rubbing his eyes gently. I took his hand and squeezed it. 

"Well, I'm your friend," I smiled at him and he returned the smile.

"Zayn, Miranda, do you two want some s'mores?" Mrs. Malik asked from behind us. I sat up and looked at her with a wide grin.

"Thank you," I murmured, taking one from the tray she brought out. Zayn took one too and looked up at his mom lovingly.

"Thanks, mum," he said as she winked and went back inside. I looked at Zayn and he took my s'more.

"Hey! Give it back," I pouted and he laughed. 

"Here you can have mine, it's bigger anyways," he smiled and I hugged him. We were truly the best of friends. 

"Miranda, are you staying the night?" Mr. Malik asked holding the phone to his chest. I knew he was talking to my mom about me staying over for my third night in a row. I looked at Zayn as he nodded eagerly.

"Yeah," I smiled and he smiled going back inside. Zayn stood up and helped me up as well.

"Come on, let's go get your stuff," he smiled as we scurried across to my house. My mom already had packed up some thing's for me since I figured I'd only need pajamas and a toothbrush. 

"You guys going to come swimming in the morning?" my mom asked as she gave me a small, but an affectionate hug.

"YES!" Zayn blurted and I laughed. 

"Have fun guys," she winked as we skipped out the door and back to his house. We went up to his room and he set my stuff where he always put it which was right next to his closet and he handed me my pajama's. I took them and went into the bathroom to change quickly. I ran back into Zayn's room and he set up our beds. He had a pull out bed underneath his actual bed so I slept on his bed and he slept on the pull-out. That was just how it had always been in the summer. 

"Zayn?" I asked we snuggled into our beds. 

"Yeah?" he replied quietly and I smiled.

"Can you sing for me?" I asked rolling on my side and he took a deep breath.

"What should I sing?" he asked softly and I laughed quietly.

"I don't care, sing whatever you want, you're good at any song," I whispered through a yawn. I heard him roll over and then he started singing. I didn't know the song, but I knew he was good. I fell asleep halfway through the song with a smile on my face. 

I woke up in the morning to Zayn jumping on the bed. I opened my eyes and saw him smiling at me with his big brown eyes. 

"Let's go swimming," he exasperated and I grinned as I jumped up and changed back into my clothes from yesterday. Zayn was in his bathing suit and we raced down the stairs.

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