Chapter 4: The Move

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How is it so far? I realize it might not be that exciting, but this chapter will bring new view to everything! Feedback is welcome (: xx.

High school was a whole new ball game for Zayn and me. He was getting more interested in girls, but he was still my same Zayn. We had a few classes together our freshman year which was a relief to both of us. Freshman year was the also first real fight we'd ever had too. I was at his house and he started scolding me for hanging out with boys who "were no good for me". I knew he was only looking out for me, but I could fend for myself. It ended with me leaving the house in tears and us not talking for at least three days. I remember getting home from school and sitting in my room when Zayn came in and gathered me into a hug. We talked it out and everything was fine.

 Zayn was at my house for the night when he told me his plans for the future. I supported Zayn in everything, but I didn't want him to just go and leave me.

"I think I'm going to try for real to get on the X Factor this time," he said as he paced my floors. He looked at me with a questioning look and I shrugged.

"What about me?" I asked and he laughed quietly coming over and sitting next to me. 

"Well, you'll come with me, right? To the audition?" he questioned and I looked down. 

"I don't know if my parents will go for that Zayn," I replied knowing it was a few good hours away from where we lived and that it was during the school week. He ran his hand through his hair gently.

"I can't do it without you though, you were the first person I ever sang to," he whispered looking at me with sadness coating his gorgeous brown eyes. 

"You can do it, you don't need me," I replied looking away from him. I closed my eyes tightly until I felt Zayn's fingers gently turn my chin. I opened my tear stinging eyes and he shook his head.

"You are the peanut butter to my jelly, Miranda, you are truly my best friend, my only best friend," he spoke softly and I hugged him with all my might as I breathed in his scent. He pulled away gently and he undid my bed. He crawled in and I just glared at him. He smiled innocently at me and I couldn't help but laugh. I crawled in next to him and propped myself up on my elbow and looked at Zayn. 

"Imagine if you hadn't moved in," I thought aloud and he looked appalled. 

"Don't think such horrible thoughts!" he exclaimed hiding under the blankets. I giggled and pulled the sheets back. I laid back down and rested my head on Zayn's chest. He wrapped his arm around my arm and he took a deep breath.

"Shall I sing for thy lady?" he asked softly and I nodded gently as I took his hand. I let my eyes slowly fall shut at the soothing sound of his voice. He stopped singing and I felt him going to stand up.

"No, where are you going?" I asked drowsily sitting up and rubbing my eyes. 

"I'm going to change, I'll be right back," he whispered squeezing my hand before leaving my room. I laid there looking at the door, waiting for him to come back. He came back in and shut off the lights. He crawled back into the bed and took my hand firmly.

"Goodnight Miranda," he whispered as I rolled over to look at him. 

"Goodnight Zayn," I replied smiling slightly despite my exhaustion. 

***Weeks later*** 

I started my sophomore year alone. I hadn't heard anything from Zayn, so I figured they were still on their mini vacation. It was weird though for him not to at least text me or Facetime me. I decided to push it off, but after a few weeks of him not coming to school I grew terribly worried. I remember coming home and seeing a whole new family living in Zayn's house. I started crying hysterically and ran inside. I fell into my mom's arms and she held me tightly. 

"He didn't tell me they were moving," I cried into my mom's shirt.

"I know honey, but he did send you some mail," she whispered holding out a letter. I ripped it out of her hand and opened it to see a letter unprofessionally written. I could tell he'd just scribbled a few things down quickly. 

I am so sorry I didn't tell you we were leaving. I didn't know my family was moving to be honest. I left to try out for the X Factor. It was a last minute decision and my mom sort of forced me to go. I wanted to tell you, but I didn't have any time. It won't be long until I see you again though. I dropped my phone on the ground though and it broke. I promise I'll video chat you when I've got the time. Wish me luck. Xx ~Zayn

I stared at the note in tears. He had said he wanted me to go with him! I couldn't believe him. I threw the letter on the ground and raced up to my room. I threw the picture of us on the floor and fell into my bed hysterical. I sat there with my head pounding from so much sadness and crying. I cried most of the day and at night it felt weird going to sleep without Zayn's body heat next to mine. I heard my computer making noises and I saw that Zayn wanted to video chat. I looked at it as it rang and after a few seconds of debating, I declined. He'd hurt me. I wasn't ready to talk to him. I literally hated him.

The Boy Next Door *UNDER REVISION*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora