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"How are my babies doing?" my mate asked excitedly as he came in our private quarters.

"They are sleeping," I chuckled as I looked in the crib made of colourful corals and rocks.

Cadfael made his way to the bassinet. He gently caressed their heads before giving a small kiss on their small and chubby cheeks. They started to wiggle a little before snuggling back together.

Almost a year and a half had passed since we mated. Since then, we had two additions to the family. We had twins, Marina, our little girl, and Muir, our little boy. We couldn't have hoped for anything more. The Gods have blessed us with not only one child, but two. Even Kaito and Darya had their own little girl and another baby to come. I was still getting used having people at my beck and call which was very now useful with two kids to take care of. They even had nurses ready to take of our children, so I wouldn't need to take care of them, but I refused. Not that I wasn't trusting them, but they are my children. Plus, it wasn't like I had anything better to do.

"Did you get enough sleep? I know the kids can be quite naughty at night," he asked with a frown.

"I'm fine. They were two little angels last night. How about you?" I asked worriedly. "Being King must be tiresome," I added as I took his hand into mine and pulled him to sit next to me on the bed.

"Everything would be more bearable if you were with me all the time, Llyr. People are also requesting your presence time to time."

"But what about the kids? I can't leave them alone."

"We have nurses remember? I know you don't like the idea, but sometimes, you have to take a break or show your pretty little face to our Kingdom."

"Alright," I nodded agreeing with him and at the same time, two nurses came into our room making me frown. "Do we have something planned?"

He smiled apologetically, "Yes, we have to meet the King of your birthplace and then your parents and friend came to visit you."

I beamed at him, "Really? They succeeded to obtain permission to come?"

"Yes, that is why you need to get dressed," he snapped his fingers as three other maids came in.

I sighed in resignation as I let myself being pulled away from my mate to get ready. I closed my eyes and let them touch and prob me all they liked. This was the part that I hated being royalty. Thirty minutes later, they put a huge mirror in front of me. I turned side to side and thanked them when I was satisfied with my look. Cadfael extended his arm and I wrapped mine around his.

Before leaving the room, I turned to the nurses, "Please take good care of them."

The bowed and promised that they will. They will also bring the little Prince and Princess in a few hours. I swallowed my worries and followed my mate to the throne room. It wasn't the first time that I accompanied him to this kind of meetings, but I was still nervous.

We stopped in front of a set of doors and the King looked at me, "Ready?"

I nodded at him and the guards opened the doors for us. We made our way to the throne. We sat next to each other and let my mate do all the talking.


I sighed in relief when the doors closed behind the group of aristocrats. It was finally finished. Why did they always want to include me in their convictions? Yes, I was the Queen per say, but I wasn't the one who will make the final decisions.

My mate grabbed my hand and asked, "Your family is here, are you ready?"

My tiredness disappeared as soon as I heard the word family. It had been so long since I last saw them and we didn't exactly say goodbye in the nicest way. I was so mad at them. They weren't even worried about me. Hell, all they had was the prince this, the prince that... However, today was going to be a good day.

The doors opened once again and a small group entered. My parents were the first one to enter followed by Mira and a man I didn't know. He must be her mate. Finally, Mira, Kaito and the former King and Queen also arrived. I looked at my mate before rushing into my parent's arms not caring if I made them trip backward.

They laughed as they caught me, "I missed you," I said with tears ready to fall.

"We missed you too, Llyr," my mom answered as she took me into a hug before my dad di the same.

"How have you been son?"

"Good, perfect even!" I smiled and helped my parent back on their tail before introducing my mate to them.

As the three of them acquainted with each other, I went to see my best friend.

"Mira!" I happily called her as I took her into my arm for a hug.

"Llyr!" she answered with the same enthusiasm.

As we separated from each other, I looked at the man next to her. I extended my hand and presented myself. As I thought, the man next to her was indeed her mate. They were both living in the same Kingdom with a child to come in a few months. Then I presented Mira to Darya and they both became friends after a few minutes.

I was truly happy that they all liked each other. Then the nurses came in with my two little babies. I hurried to take Muir in my arms as Cadfael took Marina. We went to present them to everyone. With their cute little cheeks and big bright eyes, who wouldn't like them.

I really hoped they will keep their cute little faces when they grow up, but they may as well be the cause of many heartbreaks.

But that is another story.


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