[11] blessed

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AN EERIE SILENCE fell between both the vampire and the zombie as they waited for the other to speak first. Seeing that Laura wasn't ready to talk, Edward took the first move to try and break the ice that had settled between them since Bella and Nathan's departure just seconds before.

"Laura, what was that?" He asked slowly, knowing that she was on the verge of tears. The Cullen boy was trying not to frighten her or push her to say anything she didn't want to say. Although it was proving to be harder than he thought, he needed answers to his questions.

"Edward...you wouldn't understand-"

"Try me."

The air seemed to grow colder around her as she took in a deep breath and then she nodded reluctantly. Laura's voice shook as she shakily crossed her arms and spoke, "I'm dead, Edward. Have been ever since my accident in Phoenix."

"But that's not possible! You have blood flowing in your veins and a pulse." He denied, shaking his head. Edward couldn't seen to grasp the concept of his blood singer not being alive or like him.

"I'm a zombie. I eat brains just to survive and if I don't, I become a monster and kill anyone in my path! There was a zombie outbreak in Phoenix and I got scratched. I turned into something I never thought could exist and it kills me inside to live like this! Seeing Bella in trouble angered me and I let my rage take over from a second of weakness! I killed that man and I will never forgive myself, and I know that Bella won't either. You should stay away from me, Edward. I'm a monster." Laura cried, tears rolling down her porcelain cheeks as she backed away from him and turned around.

Edward used his vampire speed to get in front of her and her eyes widened, not in fright, but in shock. She had never seen anything move so fast before. He grabbed her shoulders, pulling her into an embrace. "The other day you said that if I was a bad guy, then you were too. I believe that goes both ways. If you believe yourself to be a monster because you do anything to survive, then we are more similar than I thought we were."

"How?" Laura sobbed, pulling back so that she could see his face. He wiped away her tears, smudging the blood on her cheek in the process. The red substance hadn't tempted him in the slightest, his only thoughts were to make Laura smile.

"I'm a vampire. I sparkle in the sunlight and I have superhuman speed. I can read the minds of any person near me except yours and your sister's." He began to laugh softly, "Wow, that was a lot easier to say to you than I thought it would be."

Laura seemed to have cheered up, as there were no more tears falling from her beautiful hazel eyes. "So, you drink blood, huh? Sounds gross." She mused, bumping shoulders with him playfully as she wiped her eyes with a sniffle.

"Laura, you literally eat brains." Edward replied, a smile daunting his features as he led her away from the dead body.

"So what? Are you judging me, Sparkles? If so, I will eat you." Laura glared with a certain gleam in her eyes that told him she was only playing with him.

𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐌 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐒 ♥ EDWARD CULLENWhere stories live. Discover now