[02] time to leave

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LAURA WAS SAT in her room, just like the last two months since the boat party. She was still in Phoenix with her mother and sister, but she hadn't really interacted with them since the incident, except for when they ate together.

Both Renee and Bella had noticed the change in Laura as soon as the police had brought her home that night two months ago, wrapped in a shock blanket and drenched head to toe in water. Her skin had become ghostly pale, and by the time Renee had woke her up the morning after, her hair was a bright platinum blonde. They figured that changing her looks was a way of dealing with seeing multiple deaths in front of her all in one night. In a way, they thought she had PTSD and tried to avoid the topic all together. The two had gave her the benefit of the doubt and accepted her new look, to which Laura was grateful for.

Laura had been struggling the first few days after becoming a zombie, her hunger for brains was driving her insane and it was hard for her to be close to people. She got better though when she had somehow miraculously managed to land a part time job at the morgue, where she had to secretly take the brains of dead patients without her boss finding out. No matter how many times she did it, it still disgusted her knowing that she had to eat people's brains to survive. But Laura knew that it was her only option as she refused to grave rob corpses and get them that way instead, that would be even more wrong then what she was doing already.

The seventeen year old had also discovered that she had lost the ability to taste foods. All of the food she had once loved was now tasteless and the only way for her to taste even the slightest thing, was to cover it in hot sauce. She also found out the hard way that she developed the personalities of who she ate, which was very inconvenient. Laura wasn't able to be herself anymore.

However, after two months, Laura finally thought she was ready to get back out into the world.

Laura and Bella would be leaving for Forks in the next hour and she was looking forward to it, Bella however, was not. Whilst Laura had a good relationship with their dad, Bella's was basically non existent. The brunette fraternal twin had stopped visiting Charlie just after she was eight years old. The only way Laura got to see her was to travel to Phoenix because Bella always refused to go to Forks, but Bella didn't have a choice anymore. She couldn't go with their mother and Phil, she had to live with Laura and their dad.

The now paler of the two sisters had already contacted the hospital in Forks and was guaranteed a job at the morgue as an assistant, her experience in Phoenix had qualified her enough for a place, despite her age, and she was accepted part time so that she could go back to school. She had been reached out to by Carlisle Cullen, a man she had only had the pleasure of meeting a couple of times since he moved to Forks two years ago. He was a nice man and his adopted kids were nice too, if anyone ever had the guts to talk to them. The only Cullen members Laura had ever talked to were Alice and Rosalie. Laura found Alice a bit strange but also lovable, she also kind of reminded her of a pixie. Rosalie had made quite an impression on Laura in just a few short minutes of their first encounter. In her opinion, Rosalie was blunt and truthful about what she thought of others, however she could be kind if she really wanted to be.

The zombie girl realised that when she would start school again in Forks, people would see her differently then she used to be. The boat party had changed her in ways that she didn't like to admit to anyone, not even herself for that matter. But now Laura was ready to accept who she had become (even if she acted like a different person every time she switched brains), she was ready to embrace what she now called her true self. What else could she do? She didn't have a cure, so Laura figured that she had no choice but to restart her life again.

She sighed, packing the last of her stuff into a suitcase and threw it on the bed that she would only have for the next hour. The sound of footsteps were heard coming towards her door and she turned around. Bella walked into her room and sat herself on the bed with a sad expression daunting her face.

"You okay, Bells?" Laura asked the brunette, sitting down beside her and placing a hand on her sister's shoulder. She was currently on worried mother brains and found herself consoling everyone she came into contact with. It wasn't too bad, in fact it was rather fitting for the moment the two sisters were having.

Bella sighed and fell backwards on the bed, the covers making a 'pfft' as she landed. She sighed, "I don't want to go to Forks."

Laura smiled sadly and fell backwards on the bed too, but in a more graceful manner. She turned her head to face Bella, who was already looking at her for a reply. "It's not that bad. Sure, it's always cold, but everyone is great there. And dad isn't as bad as you think, Bells. He tries his best."

"But I barely know Charlie." Bella whined, "I just want to stay here, in Phoenix."

Laura sighed again, pulling her moping sister into a hug as they lay down. "You promised mom that you would try Forks. If it doesn't work out, you can always call mom. I'm sure she'll let you go with them last minute."

"Girls!" Their mother's voice called from down the stairs, "Bring your bags downstairs, we're putting them in the car! And don't forget your passports!"

The platinum haired sister stood up from the bed and picked up her duffel bag, lifting it on her shoulder and collected her suitcase. She turned to her sister and smiled, "Come on Bells, get your stuff. It's time to leave. And I promise that you'll have a great time in forks."

Bella smiled slightly in return, walking passed Laura and into her room across the hall to get her bags. Laura waited in the hallway until she came out and they struggled down the stairs together. The two made it outside to the car and Phil helped put their belongings in the boot before climbing into the drivers seat. Renee came out of the house, locked the door and got in as well with her daughters.

Phil started the car and looked back at the girls, "You girls ready?"

"Yeah." The sisters chorused simultaneously, Bella was less enthusiastic though. Renee smiled at Phil and they drove to the airport where she said her goodbyes to her daughters as they boarded the plane.

 Renee smiled at Phil and they drove to the airport where she said her goodbyes to her daughters as they boarded the plane

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