[07] what was he?

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CLASS SOON ENDED, leaving Laura and Edward to walk the hallways together as he asked her questions. Students glanced at them every so often, Edward listening to their questioning thoughts as he talked to the pale girl next to him.

They were all thinking of negative thoughts about the two, wondering what Laura Swan was doing with a Cullen and scrutinising her new appearance. He glared at the unfamiliar faces, making them all turn away from his gaze.

He took in a shallow breath before he turned to Laura, "So why didn't you and your sister move in with your mother and Phil?"

"Phil's a minor league baseball player, he travels a lot. And after the accident, my mom stayed behind to look after me." Laura replied, clutching onto the golden onion in her hand that she and Edward had won together. "I knew that she wasn't happy being separated from Phil, so I told her I'd move back here with my dad. Bella said she'd come too to keep an eye on me for mom for a while."

"And now you're unhappy?" He questioned, stopping by a couple of lockers. He found himself wanting to get to know the girl, she had this air of mystery that she hadn't really had before.

"No, actually. I was only visiting my mom, I wasn't planning on staying there forever." She answered.

"I'm sorry, I'm just...I'm just trying to figure you out. I used to be able to, but now you're very difficult for me to read." Edward paused, "What exactly happened to you in that accident?"

Edward had hit a sore spot and Laura didn't know how to reply, she just stared at him blankly. Blinking rapidly, she shook herself out of it and walked away wordlessly, leaving the vampire staring after her.

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Laura avoided him for the rest of the day, but he was always there, staring at her with his brow furrowed. It got to the point where she just ignored his presence and carried on her day like normal.

At the end of the day, she met up with Bella by the truck and threw her bag in the back seat as she climbed into the driver's side, much to Bella's distaste. She had promised Laura that she could drive the truck for once and now had to let her drive them home.

The sound of a car horn and skidding caused Laura to sit up in her seat and look out the window towards Tyler's truck that was skidding out of control and in their direction.

"Bella! Watch out!" Laura screamed, watching as the car crashed into the side of the truck. The whole car shook, causing Laura to hit her head on the steering wheel, her whole vision went red and all she would smell was warm blood from the Tyler's head wound outside.

She looked into the rear-view mirror, noticing her red, hungry bloodshot eyes and the giant gash on her forehead. An untameable rage was frenzying inside her veins.

𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐌 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐒 ♥ EDWARD CULLENDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora