[01] the phoenix boat massacre

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LAURA SWAN BRUSHED her shoulder length brown hair behind her ear as she looked in the mirror. She wanted to make extra sure that she looked at least half decent before she left for the boat party she was invited to by her friend Marcy. Laura hadn't known Marcy that long, only a couple of weeks. They had met at Phoenix airport when Laura fell over Marcy's suitcase and tumbled to the floor. It was a very awkward moment for her, but she had gained a friend out of it.

Laura had came to Phoenix to spend some time with her mother Renee before she left with her new husband Phil in a few months time. Officially, the seventeen year old girl lived in Forks with her father Charlie by herself. Her sister, Bella, lived with Renee instead, but she would be moving in with Laura and Charlie soon.

Satisfied with her appearance, she brushed down her dress, walked out of the bathroom and made her way down the stairs. Passing the kitchen on the way to the front door, she said a quick goodbye to her mother and Bella who were drinking lemonade. She heard them reply back as she closed the door behind her and waited for Marcy to pick her up.

Marcy's red Volvo pulled up in front of her about ten minutes later and she climbed into the passenger seat after greeting her friend through the open window. Laura looked towards her friend and realised that Marcy was even more dressed up then she was, making her want to go back home to change her outfit.

"You look great!" Marcy exclaimed, keeping her eyes on the road as she drove them towards the dock where the party boat was docking.

"You look better, maybe I should go change." Laura replied self consciously, pulling at the skirt of her red and black dress until it straightened across her knees.

"Doesnt matter, people will be too drunk to care." Her friend soothed, pulling up in the car park of the docks. She parked the car and the two made their way to the boat.

Nerves and doubt coursed through her veins as the brunette gazed up at the yacht. She didn't fell like she was good enough to be seen in such a place. Unlike Marcy, Laura was kind of an introvert. Not as much as Bella, who liked to stick to what she knew and stay there, but Laura was definitely not as outgoing as the girl from the airport.

The party didn't start until the boat left the port, but there were still lots of people seen bobbing their heads to the music on board. Laura had never been on a boat this large before and she was contemplating whether or not to just sneak off without Marcy knowing.

"Don't worry, Laura. What's the worst that could happen?" Marcy laughed, pulling the brunette's hand towards the main area of the boat. After about half an hour of talking, the engines of the boat came to life and the passengers cheered as the party was now in full swing.

Once the boat was in open waters, the music was turned up and everything else became hard to hear. Marcy had went off with a random guy, leaving Laura standing by herself in front of the food table holding a red solo cup filled with alcohol. It wasn't the strong tasting cheap stuff from the usual teenage parties, it was actually quite nice. Obviously, whoever owned the boat had not care for how much the alcoholic beverages would cost them as they were most likely rich. They would have to be if they could afford a boat party.

As she was lost in her thoughts, she was approached by a guy with spiked brown hair. He smiled at her as he came closer and he leaned on the table. Laura just knew he'd be trouble tight then and there.

"I'm Blaine, you seem a little out of place here." He introduced, holding out his hand. She shook his hand out of courtesy, but not actually really wanting to talk to him.

"I'm Laura, parties aren't really my scene." She replied simply.

"I know a little something that can make it better." Blaine said vaguely, causing Laura to turn to him curiously.

"Oh yeah?"

Blaine reached into his yellow jacket and retrieved a small tube of liquid and held it out in front of her. "This is Utopium, it'll make you feel better for just a few bucks."

"Are you seriously trying to sell me drugs?!" Laura scoffed at him incredulously. She raised her red solo cup and threw the contents all over his face, leaving him there drenched with wide eyes. "Don't bother me again. Asshole."

Laura didn't really know what happened after that. One minute she was swaying her hips awkwardly to the upbeat music by herself, and the next she was hiding under a table scared for her life as people started attacking each other. The sails were in flames as screams echoed all over the boat from people running for their life. Some jumped off the boat and into the cold water, whilst others weren't so lucky. The petrified seventeen year old didn't know what to do. Should she stay hidden under the tables and wait for her life to end at the hands of a rabid zombie? Or should she try and make a run for it and attempt to jump off the boat like most of the others?

She chose the latter.

Laura crawled out from under the table and made a run for the edge of the boat, passing by others who were tackled to the ground by creatures that she hoped never would have existed. She crashed into a man and when she looked up, she realised it was the man who had tried to sell her drugs. Blaine. He looked completely different then he did about an hour ago. Instead of his short brown hair, it was replaced with a sickening white and his painful red eyes glared at her with hunger that couldn't be satisfied.

She screamed as he lunged at her with a snarl and lifted her arm up in defence to try and lessen his blow. Laura could feel as his sharp nails tore three large gashes on her forearm and she stumbled backwards, falling over the boat railing and into the murky waters.

Next thing she knew, she woke up in a yellow body bag on the side of the lake. In a panic, she unzipped it and sat up spitting out the water that had entered her lungs. She checked her arm, noticing that the scratches were an angry red and that she had the un-explainable hunger for human brains.

The E.M.T that had bagged her up looked behind him with wide eyes as he watched her sit up. Laura watched as he ran as far away from her as he could, screaming.

"What's the worst that can happen, huh Marcy?" She mumbled as several paramedics came rushing to her aid. "Try a frickin zombie outbreak."


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