ch.1 ⨯ authority

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february 23, 2018

"What kind of fucking authority do you think you have over me", I yelled at him.

He clenched his fist and stepped closer towards me.

Each step he took closer, I stepped further back.

In a split second, he pinned my back against the cold, bare wall. His hands against my thin wrists, holding me from getting loose.

His grip tightened as his face grew closer towards mine. I could feel his warm breath on my ear.

"I have more authority over you, than you think", he whispered millimeters away from my ear and smirked.

His smooth words traveled through my ear and sent chills throughout my body.

He turned and looked right into my eyes.

I quickly turned my head the other way and hoped he wouldn't do anything.

But as always, he knew what I was feeling, and how to take advantage of it.

Jungkook smashed his lips onto my jawline. He sucked onto my skin, leaving red marks behind. His teeth then dug into the skin of my neck, making me softly moan, which left a hickey.

He stopped and looked up as soon as he heard my moan, "Your weakness gives me more authority," he winked.

"Shut up and get off me!" I yelled.

He scoffed, "Don't lie to me and say you didn't like our little moment."

"That moment, gives me even more reasons to break up with you.." I pushed him off and headed toward the bathroom.

He plopped down onto the bed and sighed while I walked into the bathroom.


quick introduction

Hello, my name is Sooyung Lilith. I am 19 years of age, currently attending college. And unlike every other successful person I know, I have no idea what I want to do with my life.

The only real interest I have is drawing. Ever since I was a toddler, I enjoyed drawing and creating things. Since then, I've always been pleased with that as my hobby. Whenever I sketch, it calms me and takes me somewhere out of this whole universe. Sketching takes me somewhere where I don't have to worry about anything..

Other than that, I'm in a relationship at the moment. Sort of.

His name is Jeon Jungkook. We've known eachother ever since Sophomore year of High School.

My good friend, Seraphina (also his cousin), introduced us to eachother. She didn't intentionally mean to get us together, just become friends. But I guess that didn't work out the way she planned..

The day she found out that we were together, she freaked out. I couldn't really tell if she was happy or upset. To this day, I still can't.

Seraphina confuses us a lot sometimes. She doesn't seem to overdo her real feelings. It's sort of hidden and kept away. Other than that, she's very outgoing and extra.

Jungkook on the other hand, he causes the relationship to go all over the place a lot.

Some days we get into arguments, which leads to a make-out session, which leads to us pleasuring eachother, which leads to us going back like the argument never existed.

You see what I mean?

Sure, I enjoy those moments. But sometimes, it gets out of hand.

Sometimes I feel like our relationship wasn't even meant to be in the first place.

I know—I know.. I shouldn't be thinking those things. But I can't help it when it just comes into mind.

On the healthy side of our relationship, he's one of the most soft and caring guys I'd ever met.

He takes such good care of me.. I could have done the least bit of damage to myself, and he would act as if I'd broken a bone or something. It's quite funny to think about.

I love him with all my heart, and even though I get mixed feelings about our relationship, I still love him..

end of "ch. 1 authority"

wOAh tHerE.. So I know this first chapter wasn't that long, but future chapters will be longer🙃🤙🏼 I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter, and will continue to read more! Thank you, and make sure to follow me for updates:))

 So I know this first chapter wasn't that long, but future chapters will be longer🙃🤙🏼 I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter, and will continue to read more! Thank you, and make sure to follow me for updates:))

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adios hoes;)))

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