Chapter 31: Broken Promise

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Chapter Thirty-One


Amy felt Squish moving around beneath the coolness of the ultrasound scanner. Her baby bump was quite large now, and the doctor confirmed that she was about twenty-four weeks pregnant.

            “Everything looks to be healthy at this stage,” the doctor commented as Amy’s eyes stayed fixed on the screen. She could distinctly see a head, arms and legs (which were made much clearer once the doctor had pointed them out to her). “That’s quite an achievement, especially after your miscarriage, but not uncommon. Would you like to know the sex?”

            Amy froze. Her mind raced with the urge of screaming “Yes!”, but her morality remembered the promise she’d made Matthew. She’d promised not to tell him… but then she so desperately wanted to know.

            Barely thinking, she answered, “Yes, please.”

            The doctor smiled and moved the scanner around some more, moving towards the place of Squish’s legs.

            “If you look here,” she said, pointing to the screen, “we can’t see any third leg.”

            Amy’s eyes widened.

            “You’ve got a baby girl in there.”

            Amy looked at the screen in wonder – her first child was to be a daughter.

After finishing at the clinic, Amy wrote Matthew a text message. Her momentary joy at the news she was carrying a girl had subsided – she’d broken her promise to Matthew. And she felt disgusted in herself.

                        I’ve just been to have my ultrasound.

                        Everything’s healthy. I’m 24 weeks.

                        Consider yourself the proud father

                        of a beautiful baby girl. Please don’t

                        hate me. I’ll email you the scans

                        tonight. I love you. <3

            Amy waited and waited for a reply, but none came. It was early evening in LA – surely Matthew would be able to reply. Maybe he’s busy, Amy thought to herself. With this unconvincing thought in her mind, Amy began her journey to visit her mother.

“Amy? Oh, honey, what a wonderful surprise!” Jennifer raced down the steps of Amy’s childhood home to greet her. As soon as they hugged, Amy burst into the tears she’d been holding back.

            “Ames, what’s wrong?”

            “I’m so stupid,” Amy cried.

            “Come inside and tell me, honey.”

            Amy stumbled up the stairs behind her mother and, once inside, sat down at the dining room table whilst her mother made her a cup of tea. Jennifer soon joined her, and sat adjacent to her, holding her hand.

            “What happened, Amy? Is the baby okay?”

            Amy’s lip trembled as she smiled. “Everything’s fine. I just had an ultrasound – I’m twenty-four weeks and the doctor said all was healthy. And then she asked if I wanted to know the sex and I said yes.”

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