Prologue: Recovering Amy

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Please note: Recovering Amy is the sequel to Convincing Amy.

Dedicated to each and every one of my readers --

for without them, I would not have reason to write.



Over seven years, her heart had repaired itself, recovered from the trauma inflicted upon it during her youth. And as a result, it was stronger than ever before.

            Tears no longer welled at the thought of her late father, and she could look back on her past experiences of heartache with a clear head, and now see how those two experiences had made her a better person. The person she was today.

            Alas, with her new-found courage came sever over-confidence. With the love of her life by her side and a clear path of freedom and happiness before her, she never anticipated for her heart to ruin all of the joy in her life once again.

            But it did. And this time, everyone doubted her recovery.

Recovering Amy


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