Chapter 30: Cupid's Reminder

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Chapter Thirty


-- February --

Amy pulled up at the drop-off terminal of Tullamarine Airport. She and Matthew got out of the car and began unloading his extensive luggage onto a trolley – most of which was musical instruments. Amy closed the boot and Matthew pulled her into a tight hug.

            “I love you,” he murmured. “So much. And I feel really bad for leaving you now.”

            Amy pulled away. “Don’t be silly – you’ll be back well before Squish is due. You wanted to record in LA again.”

            “I know, I know.” He kissed her lips quickly.

            An airport official approached them. “I’ll have to ask you to move along, please.”

            “Just give us a minute, please,” Matthew bargained, and the official moved away, though kept a close eye on them and his watch.

            “Go and record the best damn album the world will ever hear,” Amy encouraged, hugging herself to Matthew once again.

            “Absolutely. Promise that we’ll Skype every day?”

            “Of course.”

            “And that you’ll eat healthily.”

            Amy rolled her eyes. “Yes, Matt.”

            “And promise to keep the sex a secret.”

            Amy sighed and then, reluctantly, answered, “Okay.”

            “Thank you.” They kissed once more, and then the airport official returned, ushering Matthew on into the airport. Amy jumped back into her car, and as she drove off, she stuck her middle finger up at the official. She sped away from the airport, and pulled over on the side of the road to send Matthew a text message:

                        Squish and I miss you already. We love

                        you so much. We hope that Daddy kicks

                        some LA butt and shows them what real

                        music is. Don’t forget to say hi to everyone

                        for us. Have a safe flight. <3

                        PS – I gave the official the bird :P

            Amy moved back onto the road, heading home. Five minutes after sending her text message, she received a reply, and read it whilst stopped at a red light.

                        I miss Squish and Mommy, too. LA

                        butt will definitely be kicked. I may

                        even kick Uncle Jake’s just for the

                        fun of it. I’ll call when I land in Fiji.

                        Until then, I love you. xxxx

                        PS – that’s my girl.

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