Chapter 32: Regretted

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Chapter Thirty-Two


-- March --

The ceremony was over within twenty minutes. The guests were then ushered to a nearby hall for the reception party.

          Amy and Donna took their seats on one of the many round tables, surrounded by people that they did not know – those they’d gone to high school with were all seated at other tables. They introduced themselves, and found that they were in the company of Scott’s ex-wife and her new husband, as well as Scott’s work colleagues – more policemen.

          “So how do you two know Scott?” one of the policemen, Keith, asked.

          “We went to high school together,” Donna answered. “Though he was a few years older.”

          Amy rolled her eyes – Donna was clearly trying to avoid the obvious answer for Amy’s sake. “I used to go out with his brother. I became good friends with Scott.”

          Keith was far more satisfied with this answer; Donna looked shocked.

          “It’s okay,” Amy whispered to her friend. “You can only avoid the truth for so long.”

          It was at that moment that the newlyweds arrived; Scott walked his new wife, Trish, through the hall as everybody stood to clap and cheer. Keith gave a piercing wolf-whistle, and Scott blushed a deep crimson.

          Behind the newlyweds came the bridesmaids and groomsmen. Amy spotted TJ leading Trish’s maid of honour immediately behind Scott and Trish. He seemed to be happy, though there was something out of place with his expression that had not been evident at the ceremony.

          Throughout the ceremony, Amy had tried to avoid TJ’s piercing stare. He had found Amy in the seated crowd five minutes into the ceremony, and had consistently returned his gaze to her throughout the ceremony. It had made Amy uncomfortable, but she endured it, focusing instead on Scott and Trish taking their vows.

          At the ceremony, TJ had seemed happy and carefree; now, there was a certain look of discomfort and uneasiness about him.

          “Ladies and gentlemen, the newlyweds: Mr and Mrs Scott and Patricia Jenkins.”

          The guests cheered and clapped some more. Everybody took their seats, and dishes were put before everybody: either pork or beef. Amy and Donna swapped meals, as Amy felt that beef was the healthier option.

          Before they could eat, however, the speeches began. First Scott, toasting his new wife, then Trish, toasting her new husband in return. Then Trish’s maid of honour made an embarrassing speech at her expense, and then TJ did the same, though at his brother’s expense. It was entertaining, and despite her discomfort, Amy found herself laughing at the jokes – she could relate to those made about Scott’s teenage years.

          They then dug into their meals, which Amy wolfed down hungrily. She then took Donna’s vegetables, which had barely been touched. Scott and Trish cut the wedding cake, Trish threw her bouquet, and then the newlyweds took to their first dance. After three songs, Donna dragged Amy out of her seat and they danced together.

          After the slow love songs, up-beat dance tunes came on, and Donna was thrust into her zone – her dancing craze was still within her. She began dancing the way she had when they were younger and clubbing, and after willing up the confidence, Amy joined in, too. All the guests were dancing around energetically, smiling and laughing with everyone around them.

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