Chapter 02: Hamilton Island

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Chapter Two


Amy sat in the luxurious aeroplane seat, failing to smother her wide grin. Matthew, in the seat beside her, pretended not to notice, but Amy couldn’t help herself.

                “So, Hamilton Island, eh?” The location of their honeymoon had been kept secret from Amy, right until the point when the cabin staff had called for all passengers flying to Hamilton Island to board the aeroplane, and Matthew and Amy had joined the queue. “I’ve heard it’s a nice place…”

                Matthew, avoiding direct eye contact, sipped at his glass of water and nodded. “Yes.”

                Amy raised her eyebrow and stared at Matthew with her grin still in place. Eventually, he met her gaze, but removed it in an instant.

                “Is the corniness intended then, Mr Hamilton?” she asked.

                Matthew had no chance to respond as the flight attendants began orchestrating the safety procedures, which the newlyweds were required to watch. Only when the engine had started and the wheels had begun to move, did Matthew respond. He held his wife’s hand and leant in to whisper in her ear, “Yes, every ounce of corniness is intended.” He kissed her smiling, gleeful lips.

                The flight took a mere two hours, but it was midnight before they arrived at their hotel. With the blackened sky, there was no opportunity to observe the would-be beautiful scenery, so the couple made the most of the night they had.

                As they entered their luxurious hotel room, Amy realised her strong desire to put John Mayer’s song into good practice. She attacked Matthew with her immense passion, kissing him hotly whilst fumbling with the buttons of his tuxedo shirt. When she’d finally managed to pry the fabric from his body, Matthew pulled away, much to Amy’s disappointment.

                “It’s our honeymoon,” Matthew whispered softly, yet strained against his resistance of the desire building up inside him, as Amy pouted her lips. “I want to make this extra special.” He kissed her gently once more. “Why don’t you freshen up in the bathroom whilst I prepare the room?”

                Amy’s eyes widened at the possibilities of what Matthew would prepare. She dashed into the bathroom without another word, and didn’t even try to take a sneaked peak. She would let herself have the surprise, which would satisfy Matthew, also. In preparation, she washed her face and brushed her hair, even applying some of her favourite perfume. She then took the unessential items of clothing off – accessories such as belts, jewellery and shoes – before Matthew softly called her name in a way that elicited the strongest of emotions in Amy.

                She re-entered the bedroom slowly, taking in the dark room, lightened only by the soft glow of delicious scented candles and the moon’s light. As she moved further into the room, her toes felt the softness of rose petals strewn across the carpet. This is just like a movie, she thought to herself, or better yet, the perfect romance novel.

                There was little time to take in the other improvements Matthew had made to the room in such a short amount of time. Amy found him waiting by the king-sized bed, his back turned, pouring what must have been two glasses of wine.

                “Would you like a drink?” he asked.

                Amy was momentarily distracted by the way in which Matthew’s skin was illuminated in the weak light offered by the candles and moon. His bronze skin seemed to glow, every indent made by his soft muscles strongly defined by shadows. He looked like the man who would appear in every teenage girl’s fantasy. And he’s all mine, Amy thought happily to herself.

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