Chapter 21: Set In Motion

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Chapter Twenty-One


-- August --

It took Amy a few weeks to become accustomed to Matthew’s lack of employment. Instead of waking at 6:00am, he remained in bed for nearly all of the morning’s hours, having stayed up late the night before either (a) playing his music, or (b) talking to prospective producers about his music.

                Yet he was also sure to contribute his fair share around the house. He would help Amy make dinner most nights, and on the nights he didn’t, he made sure to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen afterwards. He would do the laundry, vacuum the floors and tidy the house when necessary.

                And today was one of those necessary times.

                Amy woke earlier than usual and readied herself, a time in which Matthew remained asleep, shielding himself from the cold August morning air. Just before she was about to leave, she woke Matthew with a kiss, and he stirred reluctantly.

                “I’ve got to go,” Amy whispered.

                Matthew groaned. “What time is it?”

                “Nearly nine. You’d better get up – you’ve got a house to clean.”

                They had been looking forward to this day for a while – their house was on the market, and finally, people were interested. Four families were due to visit the house today after lunchtime.

                Matthew’s groan this time was much more profound. “Okay.” They kissed lightly. “I’ll see you later. Love you.”

                “Love you, too.” Amy then stood up, grabbed her handbag and left the house. She sat in her car for a short while, allowing the engine to warm up and the heating to kick in, before beginning the drive to the psychologist’s clinic.

Amy had been seeing Lianne, her psychologist, for around five months now. And in that time, she had improved dramatically. No longer was she depressed. She had moments of sadness, but she did not re-enter her extreme state. And most of this was due to Lianne’s, and Matthew’s, continued and unwavering support.

                In today’s session, Amy told Lianne of the latest happenings in her life – mainly, Matthew quitting his job and their upcoming European holiday. This took most of their session, but as they concluded on this topic, Amy was positively reassured that all was well, and that all would work out fine.

                Near the end of the session, Lianne asked, “Is there anything else you want to talk about?”

                Amy almost declined the offer, but she needed to discuss a particular topic with someone – someone who would offer an impartial point of view – someone who would not gush and worry about the possible implications.

                “Well,” Amy began nervously, picking at her nails. “I was hoping to try for a baby again. I think I’m ready.”

                Lianne sat back in her armchair, and her thoughtful expression was soon replaced by a wide, confident grin. “You know you’re ready.”

                Amy was shocked at the reply. “What?”

                “I think you’ve been ready for a while. You were just nervous about what happened. But you’ve always been ready. Amy, I think you’d make the most loving, dedicated mother. You’re ready.”

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