Jar of Hearts

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I'm backkk!!


Bucky Barnes walked into the corner street coffee shop, with his good friend, Steve Rogers, in tow. The two had just had an exhausting sparring session with Natasha, and they both just needed to chill out.

Sitting in a corner booth, the two friends sighed heavily into their seats and started skimming through the coffee menus absently.

Then, after a short while, the two ordered their drinks. Steve decided to order a skinny latte (you know, because he's extra) and Bucky got a mint mocha with extra cream. After, they began talking...

"So, are you and Tony alright again? You know, after everything, I think the two of you really should make up, especially if there is this 'huge threat' coming down to kill all of us," Bucky told his friend, taking a slow slurp of his frothy drink.

Steve smiled hesitantly, and shook his head, "To be honest Bucky, me and Tony fell out because of you. And even if I did try and become friends with him again, I doubt he'd want anything to do with me."

Bucky looked down into his drink, guilt over whelming him. He didn't mean to hurt Tony's parents, especially his mother, and from what he could recall, he was being made to do it. He wished that Tony would try and understand that, but instead he got ruthlessly thrown against a brick wall. All three of them did, actually.

"Well...why don't I try and talk to him for you?" Bucky asked. He wanted everyone to be friends again, but this seemed like too much to ask.

Steve just scoffed, "Yeah, right. And then you and Tony will be alright again whilst I'm waving at him like a lemon on the outskirts..."

He was still rambling on, but something caught Bucky's attention and distracted him. It was a girl (probably in her mid twenties) drinking a small cup of coffee. She was wearing a maroon jumper and deep, navy jeans and beige boots, with her (h/c) hair tied up in a messy ponytail. She looked like she was reading a novel, but her face seemed glum. Really glum. Her (e/c) eyes looked saddened, and her forehead was creased with what looked like worry lines.

"Um...Buck? Hello? Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes, are you alive or has your age finally caught up with you?" Steve clicked his fingers in front of of his friend, but Bucky caught them swiftly.

He nodded towards the girl, "She looks sad, doesn't she?"

His voice was merely a whisper, as though he was mesmerised.

Steve snatched his head towards where Bucky was looking, and swallowed thickly, "Yeah she looks...sad? But it's probably just the book she's reading!"

Bucky just shook his head, "No, I think it's more than that,"


Bucky went back to that same coffee shop everyday, with Steve or someone else in tow. Today it was Sam. Instead of ordering coffee though, the two looked out for the girl with her novel, to see if she looked any better (or any worse).

"So...is she pretty?" Sam asked after a while, finally shoving his nose into one of the menus.

"Pretty? God Sam...she's beautiful. When I first saw her when I was with Steve? It was like a unicorn had came down and whacked me vigorously with its horn."

"Strong language choice," Sam replied, his voice sounding unimpressed.

"I'm telling the tru- there she is!" Bucky nearly tipped the table over, his excitement overwhelming him.

Today was the day that he was going to talk to her, to try and see if she was alright, to buy her a drink maybe. He'd make it smooth.

Sam looked up from his menu and his mouth dropped open.

"Wow she really is good looking isn't she..." He whispered.

Bucky nodded, and got up from his seat.

"Wish me luck, bird-boy!" He chirruped, and skipped along happily towards the girl.

She was sitting in a corner booth, hunched up over a new novel. This one had flowers spiralling together on the front of it, but her hand was covering up the name of it.

Bucky sat down across from the girl and smiled at her sheepishly. She put her book down and looked up at him.

"Hi," He said after a long moment.

The girl just smiled at him, a kind, soft smile, and waved shyly.

"I'm Bucky...I've seen you around here before," He continued on.

She smiled again, "Bucky? Now that is a name you don't hear often."

A laugh escaped Bucky's lips, and he shook his head, "My real name is James, the Bucky comes from my second name (Buchanan Barnes),"

"Well...my real is Y/N," She laughed this time, properly, and extended a hand out so that she could shake his.

Bucky hesitated for a moment, she seemed nice enough, but...what if she judged him?

He extended his right hand outwards and took Y/N's hand in his own and shook it gingerly.

She laughed again, a small tint of red covering her cheeks, and Bucky coughed, almost forgetting what he came over for.

"Look...like I said before, I've seen you around here. And in all honesty, I can't help but think that you look a little sad. Now before you interrupt, I don't want to intrude or ask you any personal questions, I've just came over to give you this,"

He reached into his coat pocket and brought out a small, glass jar filled with tiny red and pink paper hearts. He placed it on the table carefully and pushed it over to the girl, who was now looking at it cautiously.

"Each heart within the jar is sort of like a wish. Whenever you are sad or upset about something, take one of the hearts out, say what you're sad about - in your head or out, whatever you prefer - and then the worry is supposed to magically disappear."

Y/N took the small jar in her hands and cradled it carefully. She smiled at it, a genuine smile, and then looked up and took Bucky's hand in her own again across the table.

"It's beautiful," She told him, and Bucky smiled back at her.

"Hey, I know that if I was in your situation (which I have been) then I'd want someone looking out for me," He told her gently.

"Then I'm glad that you have my back, James,"

"You know you can call me Bucky?"

"Yes but...that's a name you don't hear very often isn't it?"

"That's what makes it so special,"

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