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OKAY ON WEDNESDAY I WENT TO SEE THE NEW JUMANJI AND IT WAS ONE OF THE BEST FILMS IVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE. Omg I loved it so much, so I decided to write this? I hope it's okay, it may not make sense but OH WELL.


You didn't want to end up here, in detention. Especially with people that got under your skin.

Wanda, Bucky and Loki - three people you would not expect to be in the same room together. Here's why:

Loki - the Jock of the group. He was popular, good at sports, and he didn't care about what others thought. He was also kind of dumb in the head, and you wanted to avoid him most of the times due to his...well, arrogance.

Wanda - also popular and can get any guy she wants. She posts on her social media's 24/7 and uses cringy hashtags to get her message across. #NoFilter #VisionLovesMe #NevermindHeDumpedMeForNat #Shame #DoesntThisDressLookCute
It made you feel sick.

And then there was Bucky - a nerd. Well, not a nerd nerd, but a nerd. He played games! And he was good at them, which was something you were kinda shocked about. And he was smart, he knew shit that non of you guys knew. He was sweet.

"You know, Barnes. I wouldn't be here if you didn't mess up my exam paper," Loki sneered, looking around the basement that you were all situated in.

You were supposed to be clearing it out, so that the school could have new computer rooms, but everyone was either 'looking for a signal' or throwing bowling balls around. Why would you even have bowling balls in a basement?

"Well, I'm sorry, I didn't realise that the school would know that I used my old paper!" Bucky fired back.

Wanda snorted and flipped her hair back, "I swear a bug is going to land on my shoulder, and when it does, I'm leaving!"

You rolled your eyes, shoving a box down on the counter table. Dust fumes flung upwards, making you gag and you walked away from it miserably.

You didn't deserve to be here - you were only there because you argued with your gym class teacher about PE. There was no need to get a detention for that!

You sat down at one of the desks, picking up a paper clip remover and started to fiddle with it, your face blank.

Loki went over to the box you had shoved down on the desk, peering inside it curiously.

"Wow what's this?" He asked, looking over at Bucky.

Bucky smirked, "An old console? It's like, decades old."

The room went silent, and Loki and Bucky shared a knowing look at each other.


How they were playing the game you never know, but it happened so fast you found yourself watching them choose characters to play as.

"Jumanji," Bucky popped his tongue as he said it, his eyes glistening.

"What even is a Jumanji?" Loki asked as he clicked the play button.

Bucky just shrugged, "I guess it means jungle? I'm not sure. Um, you pick your character first,"

Loki fiddled with the buttons on his remote, hovering over all the characters.

"I'll be...Moose. Moose Finbar. He has the power of, oh zoology? That's crap, what if I don't want that?"

He selected Moose even so and the character key turned yellow.

Then it was Bucky's turn. He hovered over all the characters before selecting Dr. Smolder Bravestone.

"It says he's strong," Bucky shrugged, "I wanna know what it's like to be strong."

"Do you wanna play Wanda, Y/N?" Loki looked at the both of you.

Wanda bounced upwards quickly, "Of course! Anything's better than sorting out through boxes of junk. Y/N probably won't though, she doesn't know the meaning of fun."

Wanda picked up a game pad and hovered over the selection of characters.

"I'll be Professor Shelly Oberon! The curvy genious," she smirked at Loki, and Bucky rolled his eyes.

"What about you Y/N?" Bucky asked quickly, looking over at you.

You sighed, "Well I got left with the last person - like everything else. I guess I'm Ruby Roundhouse."

You selected your character and swallowed thickly when Loki started chuckling.

"You do not look like a destroyer of men, Y/N," He snorted.

You rolled your eyes, gripping onto your pad and turned away.

"It's just a game though, Loki!" Bucky was quick to answer, his words almost rushed, "Plus, Y/N can be whatever she wants to be."

He smiled at you softly and you bit the inside of your cheek. Nice.

Loki shook his head and clicked next on his controller. Nothing happened, much to everyone's surprise, and he clicked it again.

Still, nothing happened.

"The games bust." He sighed, throwing the controller down and sitting on the bench.

You also dropped your controller and sat down on the bench next to him. Of course it was bust, it was more than 30 years old.

Bucky looked over to the console, it was hissing maniacally. Smoke started to rupture from the sides of it and a green light flashed on it quickly. Wanda screamed.

"Do something!" She snapped, pushing Bucky towards the console, "You're the one with all the...techy stuff!"

"Like what?!" Bucky snapped back, before eyeing the plug.

He ran towards it quickly and unplugged it. The game instantly stopped hissing and smoking.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Bucky ran a hand through his long hair, and leaned against the wall.

"Well that was something," Loki smirked.

The smirk was instantly swiped from his face when he saw what was happening next.

His hand had began to fizz away, as did Wanda's, yours, and Bucky's.

You gagged, "Guys what the hell is happening?"

"I'm...I'm not sure. I don't like this!" Bucky screeched, before he was pulled into the game console with a quick blink of an eye.

Wanda let out a death curdling screech.

"What the fuck just happened to Bucky?!" She yelled, her arm completely gone now.

You shook your head, "I'm not sure, but I think the same's happening to us no-"

Before you could finish your sentence, the 3 of you got sucked into the game, not a noise left behind.


This one is a long one I understand, but would you guys like a part 2? Please comment it would mean a lot!!

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