Twentyyyyy oneeeeee

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"WOO HOOO!" Tony scream-slurred as he flung himself into an empty seat at the bustling bar that your birthday party was situated at, "My amazing sister over there, yeah her. She's twenty one today!"

He spilled his drink all over his lap and you laughed, walking over towards him and ordering a gin and tonic.

"You don't need to tell everyone," you told your brother playfully, taking a sip of your drink when it finally came over.

Tony drunkly threw his head backwards and laughed loudly, "I know! But I did it anyway! I couldn't give a crap what anyone else thinks!"

You laughed again, crossing your leg and winking at the bar tender that served you your drink. He grinned himself, and threw you another drink.

"On the house, seeing as it's your birthday." He whispered, returning the wink that you gave him.

Meanwhile, Bucky was hunched in the corner of the bar with Steve and Clint, taking vigorous sips of his beer and eyeing the bar tender down, his metal arm clenched.

"Okayyy, someone's jealous!" Clint prodded Bucky's arm lightly, grinning at Steve.

"I'm not jealous, just..." Bucky pauses for a moment, looking down blankly into his drink.

He was jealous. Jealous that you could get any guy you wanted. Jealous that with a whip of your hair, you had everyone falling to their knees and loving you. Jealous that you were related to one of the most richest guys in the city. But mostly, he was jealous of the fact that you just never seemed to like him back the way he liked you.

"I'm just thirsty." He gruffly replied after a moment of awkward silence.

"Rightttt, thirsty for Y/N!" Clint waggled his eyebrows and Steve choked on his drink and started spluttering into his cup.

"Oh my Clint, that was great!" He screeched, whilst Bucky glared him down and sighed miserably.

Steve stopped laughing when he saw Bucky staring into space blankly, and quickly swapped Clint's empty glass with Bucky's half full one.

"Maybe you should go and get a refill!" He slapped Bucky on the back quickly and grinned like a mad-man.

Bucky looked down at his drink and his eyes widened, "Yeah...I didn't realise I drank that much?" He questioned.

"Wow you must be an alcoholic then! Go and see Y/N- go and get a drink! A drink! That's nice, no girls involved in a drink!" Steve stumbled on his words, and Bucky sighed heavily.

He got up slowly and picked up his glass, dragging himself towards the bar and sitting down on one of the stools, slamming his glass in the table as he did so.

"I'll, you know what? Surprise me." He dully told the bar tender, and rested his head on the table.

He saw you on the dance floor, with all the other men. Dancing, swaying, your dress moving in rhythm to the beat and your H/C hair bouncing away happily.

Bucky's drink came and he drank it absently, before you came staggering along and toppling over into his arms.

"Woah Y/N!" He caught you quickly and held you upwards, "Are you okay?"

You grinned at him, flipping your hair over your shoulder and nodding, "Yes! I'm fine! You know birds can fly? I wish I could fly, Buck. Birds can sleep too...I'm sleepy."

You yawned heavily, sitting down on the stool beside him and resting your head on his arm.

"Take me home?" You asked him, your E/C orbs dancing happily.

Bucky chewed his lip, letting out yet another sigh.

He knew that you had both been drinking, but maybe getting a cab wouldn't be as bad?

He stumbled upwards, dragging you alongside him and took you outside to a cab that just so happened to be there.

By no time, you had both reached your apartment, and Bucky loosely took you upwards towards your room.

He took your shoes off you and sat you down on your comfy bed carefully, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.

"Are you good now doll?" He whispered.

You nodded your head, "I would be even better though, if you stayed with me?"

Bucky's heart stopped. Did you really just say that? To him? But why?!

"Are you sure you want that?" He asked you carefully.

"Of course," You leaned forward, "wanna know why?"

Bucky nodded, and you rested your forehead on his.

"You're just my type."

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