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You and Pietro were snuggled up closely together on the couch, his hand combing through your hair as you flicked him playfully.

Just the sight of this made Bucky tense up, his eyes darkening and his metal arm clenching menacingly.

"Uh oh, someone's jealous." Bruce appeared next to Bucky, swinging on his heels and looking through a recipe book.

Bucky shot daggers at Bruce, "I am not!"

Bruce just grunted, nodding ever so slightly and sighing, "That's why your crushing a glass with your right ha- Bucky that's not even your metal arm how are you doing that?"

Bucky's eyes shot to the glass he was holding and dropped it to the floor quickly, blinking with shock.

"I didn't even know I was doing it!" He protested, his eyes dragging up from the smashed glass to Y/N and Pietro again.

He scuffed the toe of one of his black combat boots sadly and turned away.

"Wait, where are you going?" Bruce asked gently, following him out of the room.

Bucky just shook his head, sadness and jealously running through his veins.

"It's obvious they don't want me in there, so I'll just go," He muttered, turning the corner and walking to his room, his shoulders slouched and his feet dragging.


Later on, you were eating dinner with Wanda, Pietro and Sam, trying out the new risotto that Bruce had prepared earlier from his Gordon Ramsey cookbook.

"It's very..." Sam chewed thoughtfully, thinking of something nice to say about it, "creamy?"

The word creamy had more question in it than explanation, which made you choke on your spoon and splutter over the table.

"I'm glad you like it!" Bruce beamed happily, placing himself at the table.

"It is more delicious than Visions cooking, I have to say." Wanda declared, setting her spoon down and tearing off a chunk of bread from the loaf in the middle of the table.

Just then, Natasha walked into the room, Clint closely at her heels and cleared her throat, getting everyone's attention. You placed your spoon down on the table and looked up at her.

"Everything good Nat?" Sam quipped, pushing his bowl of 'creamy' risotto across the table.

She shook her head.

"Have any of you guys seen Barnes? He's late for training, I've been waiting for 10 minutes now," She sighed heavily, tapping her foot with annoyance.

You heart suddenly stopped. Bucky always turns up to training...what's happened?

Bruce spun around on his chair, "Actually Nat I saw him this morning, but he was quite upset and went to his room."

"Upset? Why would he but upset? He was happy, no?" Pietro looked over to you, who shrugged lightly.

Bruce made a weird noise, "He was but...he kinda got upset over you two."

He pointed a finger at you and Pietro and you widened your eyes. Why would he be upset over you and Pietro? Barnes barely acknowledged your existence, and on some days you didn't even get a hello out of him.

This didn't stop you from getting out of your seat though.

"I'll go look for him in his room," You smile at the crew sheepishly, "I'll send out a message if he's not there."


A part 2 to this I'm thinking? I think so, I've got more into writing now and I have a lot of ideas for the next part so!!

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