Spin the Bottle

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You are walking to Steve's house with your friend Natasha, you both work together - along with Steve. You're Avengers, you see. Crime fighting super heroes; today you have a day off, however, and Steve invited you and Nat around to his house. Probably to get drunk with him, but you weren't complaining.

You and Nat near to Steve's house, and when you get there, you click the bell on his small semi-detached house.

It was a nice building. It was the colour of fresh cotton, with a faded black roof and door. It also had huge windows, and you and Nat could see right through into his living room.

"Looks like Bucky's here as well," Nat nods towards the window, and you peer in.

She was right, Bucky was here, and it made you beam. He was great friends with you. As soon as you stepped into the doors of the Avengers tower on your first day, you and him immediately bonded, and he soon became one of your closest friends.

From what seems like forever, Steve finally comes to the door and opens it, a grin plastered on his face.

"Capsicle," You greet.

"Y/N," He replies, stepping backwards and letting you and Nat inside.

You look around you in awe, admiring the place.

Saying it was bigger on the inside was an understatement. It was ginormous!

"It's a nice place you have here, Steve. I'm impressed." Nat says, her arms folded.

Steve shrugged his arms limply. He didn't like to brag about things, and being complimented on his house was certainly something he was shy about.

You walk into the living room, and sit next to Bucky.

"Hi Buck," You say, your head turned to his face, but your eyes examining his jawline.

He was an amazing creation...

Bucky jumped, making you laugh.

"Jesus Christ, Y/N, you made me have a heart attack!" He laughs quietly.

You roll your eyes, "I'm sure that's an overstatement Barnes."

"You know me so well..."

He looks at you, his blue eyes big, and you swallow thickly. His mouth was curved into a smirk, which made your insides melt, and you looked down at your lap.

Things seemed...different with the both of you today. Like the room was getting hotter. It made you nervous.

Steve and Nat come into the room, with bottles of alcohol, making you snap around to look at them, hiding your face, which now (surprisingly) was blushing. No one seems to notice that though - not even Bucky.

You take a beer bottle from Steve and lean back in the couch, taking small sips. You didn't drink much, and when you did you couldn't help but feel giddy in the aftermath of it. To be honest, you didn't get hangovers either; this was something that made you slightly different from the rest of the group, but they loved you all the same.

After what seemed like hours of drinking and laughing at stupid things, Nat cracks up a grin.

"I have an idea." She says, crossing her legs and beckoning you and Bucky to sit on the floor with her. Steve was already sitting on the floor.

Slowly, you get off the couch, and sit next to Nat and Steve. Bucky sits opposite you, his face pulled into a smirk.

"What's the idea then?" He says, his words kinda slurred from the drink, but he said it in a sexy ass way, so you didn't really notice it.

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