New Year

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You and Bucky didn't want to do a lot for New Years - you wanted it to be quiet. A nice chilled night, with wine, food, snuggling on the couch. Things that normal couples would do; alas, you and Bucky were not a normal couple.

You had propped yourself down beside him, your arms folded across your chest and let out a long, tiresome, sigh.

New Years at the Stark Tower was not what you had in mind.

Don't get me wrong! You loved Tony, and the rest of the crew as well, but it seemed as though you and Bucky never got any alone time nowadays. It seemed like people always had to be beside you, almost mollycoddling you like a dog.

You placed your head on his buff shoulder and smiled up at him meekly.

"This is..." Bucky's eyes spun over towards Clint and Natasha dancing on the bar table, "...something."

You let out a hoarse laugh, "Something? More like traumatic!"

Just as you said this, Steve spun around on the floor and threw the dart that he somehow got in his hand straight at the darts board - it missed by a mile.

Wanda was seated at the bar with Vision, talking to him in a language you couldn't recognise. It was most likely made up.

Then Tony swooped him, Pepper on one arm, and Peter trailing alongside him in a little tux, his eyes wide with admiration.

"Wow Mr. Stark, I've never seen so many drunken Avengers in one place at once!" He said in awe.

You glanced over at Bucky again, his face wide with a smirk.

"This isn't even what drunk looks like," He muttered at you, making you burst into a tiny giggle.

He was true, if Steve was really drunk he'd have his shirt ripped off, abbs hanging out dramatically, and he'd be screeching "I'm Captain America, I've come to steal yo woman!"

Thor would probably be throwing his hammer at Loki as well and yelling "AHA! NOT WORTHY BROTHER" which he was no- oh. Oh. He was doing that.

I guess the Avengers really were drunk.

Suddenly a timer went off.

"FIVE SECONDS GET A SNOGGING PARTNER!" Tony threw Pepper from his arms and she landed on the couch, as he went over and embraced Steve.


You turned to Bucky with a grin on your face.

"Me and you?"


Bucky shrugged, "Not like I was gonna ask anyone else anyway,"


Clint grabbed Nat.

"This is the only day we are kissing Barton I swear to the Heavens!" Natasha nearly choked when his arms went around her waist.

Awe. You thought. I ship it.


Bucky grabbed you quickly, and you jumped.

"Ready?" He asked.

"No," You sighed, "2017 had the best memes..."


Bucky's lips landed on yours quickly, and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, embracing it.

Tony kissed Steve drunkly, much to Peppers annoyance, and she stormed out of the room as quick as she entered.

Clint kissed Natasha - Natasha pushed Clint off the table in horror. Clint was sad because all he ever dreamed about was Clintasha.

And then there was Thor and Loki. Loki ran away from his brother - they didn't kiss! Just embraced. Well, Thor embraced Loki, whilst Loki screamed like a cat.

Peter had no one to kiss - until Wade Wilson swooped by and kissed him.

"That was so goo- WADE GET OUT OF MY HOUSE HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU? GET OFF MY SON!!" Tony was quick to react, dropping Steve and charging towards Wade and Peter.

You looked over at Bucky and smiled, kissing his cheek.

"Happy New Year, Barnes," You said to him.

"Happy New Year Doll," He replied.


HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! I hope you all have an amazing 2018!

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