Chapter 23

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Dick walked close to Deathstroke, his arm firmly wrapped and stitched up. He was in a baggy t-shirt and shorts, but he still was uncertain about where he was.

"So what simulation is this?" Dick asked, surprised at how monotone his voice came out.

"Simulation?" Deathstroke asks.

He glanced up, only seeing the blurry features of his face through one eye. This felt oddly too familiar. "Yes. The injury on my arm is a clue to tell me my simulation didn't end. Not to mention my right eye." He explained.

Deathstroke felt intrigued in his explanations. "Your right eye?"

"Yes, I can see blurry figures. They seem like... splotchy strokes of paint but I can tell there are people in front of me and there are buildings." Dick explained.

Deathstroke stopped and pointed to a building that stood semi taller than the others. Dick couldn't even make out the doors. It was just a blurry Gray block. "This is a gym. Go get your slowly deteriorating muscles back into shape. Then put these on when you are ready." Deathstroke explained, taking off the duffle bag and tossing it to Dick.

The bag hit Dick, making him jump when he heard it fall to the floor. Dick lifted a brow. "That was a great idea. Just toss a duffle bag at a blind man. That sounds like a brilliant thing to do." Dick mocked. He bent down and felt for the bag. Once it was in his hand he lifted it up and threw it over his shoulder. "Aren't you supposed to be like... the best assassin? Yet you thought it was a brilliant idea to throw a heavy duffle bag at a blind kid?"

Deathstroke glared and grabbed Dick's shoulders and turned him back around and shoved him towards the door. "There is a man in there. Use your power to see the equipment a work out. I have buisiness to take care of. Once you are done, press on this." He placed something in Dick's ear before his presence dissappeared.

Dick walked up to the door and grabbed the knob, but paused. This was a simulation... so why was he trying to get his muscles to improve? Was this another prolonged one? Or... was this real?

Before he could come to the conclusion, his body had a mind of its own and he was jerked into the gym without hesitation, almost as if it was following Deathstroke's command.

He started to get suspicious.

*the mountain*

"So you guys went looking without telling us?" Aqualad asked, folding his arms.

"We did but don't waste your time scolding us. We didn't find anything." Wally explained, shooing Aqualad's anger away.

"That's not the point. The point is you guys went on a search for Dick without telling us." Artemis jumped in, folding her arms at Wally.

"In case you forgot, he doesn't trust you guys yet. What if..." Wally paused, thinking about his next words before continuing. "What if he isn't the same Dick we saw. You guys would look like the enemy. Yes you guys were a team, but you invaded his privacy. The last 3 months we were together, we got his trust... Kayla maybe not so much, but she wants to redeem herself. Dick has been missing for about a month and a half. Who knows what he is going through so excuse us for keeping it a secret." Wally huffed, before walking out of the room.

Kayla bit her lip watching Wally walk out. She glanced back at Jason, who nodded towards the door. She groaned, getting the hint, before walking out after him.

The rest of them sat there in silence for a good minute, before Aqualad spoke up. "So where exactly did you guys look?"

  Jason reached into his back pocket and gripped a folded piece of paper. He dropped it on the table before unfolding it, pointing at the area with all the X's. "We searched this area, but we were unable to find anything. We stumbled upon a few abandoned houses and one tree house, but we were out of luck." He explained.

  "If you didn't find anything there, why not search the city?" Connor inquired.

  "Deathstroke wouldn't be so stupid as to hide in the city." Artemis jabbed.

  "Actually that wasn't a bad guess. If he wanted to hide Dick, what better place than in plain sight!" Wally joined, walking in with a smile on his face. Kayla was close to follow, a smug look on her face. Jason chuckled, but flinched when it started to irritate his side.

  "We were looking for a place a criminal would hide, but we are talking about Deathstroke. He thinks differently than most, which makes him dangerous. Hiding Dick in the city would be the smartest move." Jason explained.

  "Then we should rest up. We will split off into teams tomorrow and each group will search a section of the city." Aqualad spoke, pointing a finger to Jason. "You and I are going to make a few calls before we can rest."

  Jason nodded before gathering his stuff and leaving the room with Aqualad.

  The rest of them deflated in their seats, almost as if standing in a room with the two leaders made them as stiff as a doornail.

  "So what do you want to do? Play video games? Talk?or you know, have staring contests?" Wally asked.

  Artemis perked up, grabbing his forearm. "Oh I know! Why don't we go sleep!" She said, before flicking his forehead. "We have a busy day tomorrow speed brain! We need the rest."

  Wally rubbed the red part on his forehead, watching as she left. A part of him flushed, and the other wanted to slap the blonde out of her hair. He didn't know how to act on the growing feelings inside himself so he just settled for groaning and snacking his head into the counter.

  Kayla chuckled. "Seems our speedster has stopped working. Should I get Artemis to restart that brain of yours?" She teased.

  Wally blushed bright red, slamming the table. "Kayla I swear to god, woman I will.... fl... flick you on the... goddamn nose is what I will do! Bad!" He stuttered out, getting flustered.

  Kayla folded her arms, lifting A brow in the process. "What am I? A dog?"

  He groaned, flailing his arms in the air. "Just... shut up!"

  "Sure thing, Master."

  Everyone started laughing, watching as Wally disappeared into the other room. The atmosphere was light, but the thoughts of how they would find Dick weighed heavier.

A/N:.... so yeah... uhm..... I have been busy with playing overwatch and FFXV, as well as college that updating was out of my head xD I haven't been on in a few and when I did I realized I hit 800 FOLLOWERS! DO YOU GUYS KNOW HOW AMAZING THAT MADE ME FEEL!  You guys are the best 😍😢 I will be updating most of my books this week so be aware for that if you read the other ones I have posted! I hope you enjoyed this uh... update :)


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