Chapter 1

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A/N: okay, before I start this chapter, I just want to say how blown away I am right now because I just posted this story, and I already have 30 votes. You guys are honestly the best followers anyone can ask for. You guys always make my days better! I love all of you guys! Also sorry for the very late update, I have been playing to much Widowmaker on Overwatch xD hope you guys can forgive me, pleaaaaaaaase? (*clears throat* Alright Shy, lets get back to the book!!) (Ps: if you have Overwatch on the PS4 come play with me! Username:Jack_Frostxx)

3 months later...

"You can't do that! Its cheating!" Kayla shouted, throwing herself back on the couch.

"Its not cheating! Its just being good at the game." Jason shot back.

"Your button mashing! This game is supposed to be fun! Now play right or we are switching to Overwatch." Kayla snapped, folding her arms.

At the moment, Kayla and Jason were playing Mortal combat, trying to compete against one another while Roy watched and Dick was listening to the both of them fighting. He played a few games himself, using his power to do so, but after two games, his headache returned and he stopped playing. Ever since he has just been chomping on popcorn and drinking water.

"Switch it to Overwatch, I wanna get my hours in on Hanzo." Roy said, straightening up.

"You use arrows in real life, just go outside." Jason joked.

"But... Hanzo." Roy pouted, sticking out his lower lip in a pout.

"I'd like to get my hours up as Mercy as well. And we still need the free lootboxes so theres no harm in switching games." Kayla said, already switching games.

"Someones salty over their loss." Jason mumbled, making Dick chuckle.

  "I am not salty!" She argued, glaring at Jason.

  Dick just sighed and placed the popcorn and water down. "Im gonna go outside. You guys enjoy." Dick said, before walking towards the door and outside.

  "Take your coat, its snowing outside!" Jason shouted, but he was focused on the t.v, that he didn't realize Dick was already outside.

  The cold bit at Dick's exposed neck and fingers, making him shiver at the contact. The snowfall never sticks for very long, but this year, it seemed to be sticking for quite some time and it makes Dick wonder how long its been since he has seen the snow. He has been blind for almost 4 years, and in the past year alone his heart has taken so much abuse and his mental state as well.

  But now, he felt as happy as the snow that stuck to the ground. He felt like he belonged which made his insides warm. He heard the door behind him open and close, causing him to slightly tense, but when he felt that it was familiar, he eased his shoulders.

  "Jason will be upset if he finds out you left the house without your jacket." Roy said, walking over to Dick who had yet to turn his head from the plains. Roy sighed, throwing the Jacket over Dick's shoulders, before standing next to him.

  They stood in silence for a few minutes, before Dick finally broke it.

  "Do you think leaving the Justice League's protection was a good idea, Roy?" Dick asked, threading his hands through the Jacket sleeves.

  Roy shrugged. "I think it was. From what i have heard over the months you've been there that it wasn't a good environment for you. The no privacy alone, but throwing you into missions right after you claim to be okay, knowing he could've been there was a bad move on their part. Its better to be with less people instead of people checking up on you every hour of the day." Roy said, scratching the back of his neck. "Also you haven't self harmed in four months and your wounds from all the failures in the mountain have healed. It seemed like every week in there you would come back with a new injury."

  "True, I thought it was much more protected. But when you out it in that perspective, it does make you think." Dick said.

  "It does." Roy said. "It also makes you wonder why he was so desperate to get to you while you were with all of them, but when you are with us, and not to mention, have a tracker in your arm, he isn't even bothering."

  Dick cleared his throat. "Yeah. He wants to desperately make me turn against them. But I fight with my own will and I won't succumb to it." Dick said fiercely.

  Roy smirked. "Thats the spirit. Now lets go inside before Kayla and Jason kill eachother."

  "Good thinking." Dick smirked.

  Dick grabbed Roys shoulder and both of them walked inside. Instantly, Kayla's scream was the first thing they heard.

  "Move the payload you, fucks!" She screamed.

  "Uhm... okay?" Roy said, walking over to sit down on his seat. Dick followed sitting down on a seat close to Jason's presence.

  "She's upset." Jason said nonchalantly.

  "So the usual?" Dick asked.

  "Yup." All of them chuckled, sitting back and relaxing in the livingroom.

*Mount Justice*

  Everyone was loosing their mind think about Dick. Mainly if he was alright or even still alive. Every place they looked, was always a failed lead. The apartment three months ago was the closest they have ever been to the trail, but that was three months ago. Who knows what could have happened.

  "Have anything, Bruce? Kauldur asked.

  Bruce sighed. "No. They sure know how to go into hiding without detection."

  "Well, they were raised and trained by you." The Flash said, trying to make light of the situation.

  "Thats just it, they are doing stuff that even I didn't think of. Like taking cash from my bank and not using cards. Staying in abandoned places, most likely using back up generators so they can't be detected." Bruce said.

  "Maybe we need to think ahead of them. Where would be the one place no one would ever think of looking?" M'gaan asked.

  "The forest, but they wouldn't be dumb enough to be out there in this weather." Wally said, folding his arms, but then gasped loudly, throwing up a hand. "Oh! Oh! I know somewhere they could be!"

  "Then share speed brain." Artemis said, slapping his arm.

  "The summer condos! They have backup generators and no one would ever check those." He said. "I remember Roy talking about then four years ago and it took me a minute to remember but that it where we should look next." Wally said.

  "Surprisingly, that is a good suggestion." Artemis said. "Im surprised you came up with that."

  "As am I, Artemis." Bruce said, turning to the computer to type in the summer condos. "There are about 15 of them, so tomorrow we will start our search. For now, just get some rest." He said, finally able to sit back and relax, knowing they, for sure, have to be there.


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