Chapter 20

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*Simulation 67*

  When Dick opened his eyes, he noticed that he could see the others. But he also noticed he was observing like a video. He was the one behind the camera, watching the others. It was only Wally and Roy standing in what resembled the medic room. He couldn't be sure since he hasn't seen much of the mountain because of his blindness, but the beds made him have suspicions of where this situation was taken place.

  Dick's vision though. Was going in n' out of his blurring vision. He just tried to ignore it, turning his attention to the scene.

  Roy had a deathly serious look on his face, tapping his foot away as his arms were folded across his chest as if he was keeping his guard up.

  Wally on the other hand looked worried with a hint of devastation on his face. He was tapping away on a metal bed post, trying to keep his hands busy.

  "Do you think he will make it til morning?" Wally asked, the faint echo gave way to the fact Dick wasn't really there, which felt like a crushing reality to him.

  "He will. We just need to have faith that Bruce can pull it out without killing him again." Roy snapped, looking almost annoyed at what he had just said.

  Dick knitted his eyebrows together,  trying to get a look at who exactly they were talking about. Nearly standing on his tippy toes, he was finally able to see who lied on the bed.

  He almost wished he hadn't.

  Jason was pale, but what made Dick nearly choking on a gasp, was the pole sticking out of his side. Dick lost his balance and fell on his butt, his hand clasped over his mouth as shocked tears came rolling down his cheeks.

  He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Jason looked awful and Dick couldn't do anything about it. He could only watch behind glass as Jason was dying and his friends were grieving. He wanted to help, but he couldn't.

  Out of all the times Jason helped him and protected him, Dick couldn't do the same and that hurt more than anything at this very moment.

  "First Dick, then Artemis and now Jason." Wally said, his voice darkening.
  "Artemis? What hapoened to her?!" Dick screamed, hoping his words would reach them.

  "Artemis will be fine. She is just in a coma." A new, yet so familiar voice entered into his mind. Dick didn't acknowledge it, too shocked to even remember how to breathe as he watched Roy try to give Jason a drink of water.  The pained groans were almost to much for Dick. "This is what your "colleagues" are currently dealing with. I still have the power to watch the mountain. Thanks to you. I decided to show you what is really happening to your so called  friends, while you stay locked in an endless loop of simulations that can't seemed to be broken nor changed." Deathstroke placed a hand on Dick's shoulder, smirking when he felt the trembles. "You have the power to end this torture. Just submit to your pain, your darkness and let your mind completely lock up." He explained.

  Dick bit his lip so hard that blood started to come out. "I... wont." He said, although his throat croaked like a frog.

  Deathstroke chuckled. "Fine with me. Let's pull you out and start simulation 68, then. This time, things are going my way." Dick felt the scene start to disappear, but he didn't miss Wally's eyes stare directly at him, giving him a feeling he couldn't quite explain.

  Everything went white.

*Simulation 68*

  The white sheet cleared and he found himself in a room with three doors. This was a new simulator. It wasn't like the others which start out with him being at the mountain. Dick didn't like the feeling in his gut as he stared at the doors.

  Each one of these doors hold a different outcome. The next three simulations are to test just how much you are willing to endure before you let the serum take hold in locking your mind up. Deathstroke's voice explained, booming into the room and bouncing off the walls. Simulation 68. What door will you choose?

  Dick gulped, slapping his cheeks as he walked up to the middle door. He sucked in a breath before opening it.

  Coming out on the other side, Dick nearly collapsed until someone grabbed his back, holding him up. "Careful, Dick. You seem a little off today." A voice said, but despite not being able to see, Dick could tell it was Jason.

  Dick couldn't help the tears as they started to flow out uncontrollably. He wrapped his arms around him, shocked at how real he felt.

  "Woah, hey, Dick are you okay? What's wrong? Did the memories resurface?" Jason asked.

  Dick nodded, crying into Jason's jacket. Jason just chuckled heartily before hugging Dick back. They stayed like that for quite some time before Dick finally calmed down.

  Once calmed, Dick pulled away and wiped his face. "Are you okay? Do I need to get Bruce or Wally?" He asked.

  Dick chuckled. "I don't need my best friend or mentor to see me like this." Dick mumbled, sniffling.

  He felt Jason's aura change and lifted a brow. "Is something wrong?"

  "Yeah. Since when is Wally just your "best friend?" Jason asked.

  Dick froze, not understanding where this was going. "What uh... what do you mean?" He asked.

  "Wow you must be feeling amnesiac. Wally is your HUSBAND." Dick, upon hearing the news, nearly flatlined and fell into Jason's arms once again.

  "My... my what now?!" Dick croaked. "Get me Roy! I need to ask him if this is all just a big joke!"

  Dick suddenly got a cold chill from Jason's aura, feeling the air suddenly go tense. "That's not  funny." Jason commented coldly.

  "What's not funny?" Dick asked.

  "You really forgot?" He asked.

  Dick stood up and away from Jason, suddenly feeling sick. "What did I forget, Jason. Does it have something to do with Roy?" He asked, getting unnerved. "I don't remember what happened. Tell me, please."

  Dick was in deafening silence for another minute, before Jason started to explain. Dick really wished he hadn't push.

  "It was 5 years ago. We found you, but you were completely different. We tried to get you to snap out of it, but it wasn't until after that you did." Jason explained.

  Dick gulped. "A-After what?"

  "After you killed him."


  A/N: told you guys I would be updating much more frequently than I have been... sorry for the CLIFFHANGER!... not really :D see you guys in the next chapter. (Also you liked the little splash of humor? Birdflash maybe? Who knows.





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