Chapter 17

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  "He-" Roy started, moving his head upwards, but the lump in his throat and the silence he was hearing, gave his voice a terrible tremble. "He's not breathing."

Roy couldn't believe the words that left his mouth, lifting his head off of Jason's chest. He felt someone grab his shoulder and shove him out of the way, but he was too shocked to realize what was going on. He stared down at Jason, who was as pale as a ghost and sweat beading his forehead.  He looked horrible.

  He registered another voice, a different one and finally came to his senses. He looked up to see Canary was the one to shove him into the counter, watching her perform CPR on Jason. The voice he registered was Jon or the Martian manhunter. He was at the foot of his bed already starting to perform some sort of healing thing. Roy looked back to Jason, who was still as lifeless as he was.

  "Come on, Jason!" Canary shouted, still pressing down on his chest.

  Roy bit his lip, going back to Dick and how messed up it would be if we found him, but Jason was no longer there. How crushed he would be. They were basically inseparable because they both suffered such harsh lives, and with how close they became in those couple of months while Dick was healing, was enough to make them basically brothers. If Jason died now, Dick would wish that he was dead or worse, wish he'd stayed in Deathstroke's clutches.

  That last though was enough for Roy as he slammed his fist hard into Jason's chest. "You better not die on us! You promised Dick to keep him safe! If you die now, you will break the promise you made him and he will suffer! You hear me, dickbag?!" Roy screamed.

  Jason gasped awake, taking in the air greedily as he darted his eyes around the med bay, searching for soemthing, but couldn't quite place it. That is until his eyes landed on Roy, who looked incredibly relieved.

  "Wh-what happened?" Jason asked, trying to sit up, but his side made itself painfully aware of its existence and he hissed, lying back down.

  "Your body was in immense shock from all the pain you endured at once and shut down. Thankfully you were still with us, even if it was very slim." Martian explained. "You were dead for a good minute or two."

  "Well shit." Was all Jason managed before he went back to silence, staring at the ceiling.

  "Its good you are with us, but we still need to pull the rest of the pole out." Bruce said, still grasping it.

  Roy scoffed. "We just got him back from the dead and now you want to shock his body again and kill him for good?!"

  "It needs to come out." Bruce argued.

  "It can wait a day until he recovers from the shock." Roy shot, folding his arms.

  "I agree with the kid, Bruce. If we put any more strain on his body, we might as well have left him dead." Canary examined, putting her hands on her hip.

  "Who are you calling a kid?!" Roy shouted, now turning his anger on her.

  "Enough, Roy." Jason bit out, rubbing his bruised and most likely broken ribs. Roy was going to argue, but seeing the look on Jason's face, made him catch his tongue. "As much as I would like to get this pole out, I think we should wait to pull it out. Martian healed most of the life threatening stuff, so we can pull it out tomorrow. Maybe Martian can help by making me see something else, but we should do it tomorrow." Jason explained.

  Bruce sighed, letting go of the pole. "Fine. But first thing tomorrow, we are tearing that thing out. It's not healthy to leave it in for to long."

  "Ah, it will be okay." He said carelessly. "Just have Canary here patch and me up and I will be sitting in here for a while." He glanced over to see Artemis was already wrapped up and put to sleep. He was relieved, but still in shock to hear about his own condition.

  "Have it your way." Bruce snapped before throwing up his cowl and walking out of the med bay.

  "You know, he really hates it when he doesn't get his way." Jason commented when the door closed.

  Roy chuckled. "You can say that again."

  "Alright, let's get you cleaned and bandaged." Canary spoke, already starting to pat him down. Roy helped, cleaning gently around the pole and helping bandage him up. After a while of doing this and helping him into another bed that wasn't filled with blood, Canary and Wally finally cleared out of the med bay, leaving Roy, Jason and Artemis alone.

  A few seconds of silence passed, before Jason spoke up. "You know I heard bits and pieces of what you said."

  Roy looked over at him, his brow raised. "About what?" Roy questioned.

  "About Dick and how if I died I would be breaking the promise I made him." Jason explained, fiddling with the sheets.

  "Oh, you heard that? I'm not surprised. I did shout it to the fucking heavens." Roy said, sitting with his arms folded.

  Jason chuckled. "I would never die. I need to be here for when we find Dick. We are going to need to be there to pick up the pieces again." Jason explained.

  "You know, when I was on this team four and a half years ago, I hated it. I hated being a sidekick, and when I found out I was a clone, who was programmed to get Intel on the justice league, it made me hate the team and myself even more. But now with the search still going for the real speedy still running cold, I am still stuck playing rebellious hero. I felt like finding him would settle my guilt for leaving, But when you tipped me off about Dick, I felt like I let the team down in a way by abandoning them. By abandoning him. It's why I was so willing to help you with Dick. I felt like I could get rid of the guilt by helping him." Roy finished, watching his thumbs twiddle together.

  "Dick was happy to see you. Overjoyed and I think that is because you guys were the original young justice. You say you have guilt eating you and that you are just a clone, but this opportunity with Dick is your second chance to make things right. So don't be a Dickbag like me and help me come up with a plan to save Dick." Jason finished.

  Roy was about to agree, but flushed instead. "You heard me call you a dickbag didn't you?" Roy asked.

  Jason smirked. "Yup." He drummed his fingers on the bed post. "You were loud enough for a deaf person to hear."

  Roy scoffed, shoving Jason, but flinched when Jason hissed. "Shit! Sorry! Forgot about your injury."

  "How- you know what I'm not even going to ask that question. Instead, I am going to go to sleep like someone who is in my situation should do." Jason said, wiggling ever so slowly down into the bed, to not jostle the pole.

  "I'm going to go check on the others then. They are probably still being debriefed and if it's by Bruce I feel bad for the poor things." Roy explained before getting up and walking to the door, waving a goodbye to Jason before exiting the medbay.


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