Chapter 2

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Dick woke up for the first time in a month drenched in cold sweat, his hands instantly searched for something to grasp onto, and ended up grasping the metal bar on his side of the bed. He hear his breathing was harsh and irregular, giving himself a slight panic attack.

The Nightmare he had, was one he hasn't had since he was in the "care" of Deathstroke. The nightmare of him killing others he helped, but this one was different. Instead of him killing them, he found himself pointing his gun at none other than Jason and Wally. When he pulled the trigger, thats the time he woke up, confused as to why the nightmare returned once again.

Not only did the Nightmare confuse him, but also scared him at the same time. Scared him into thinking if that was going to happen; Scared him into thinking if it was a foretelling of the future.

A rumble in the ground caused Dick to jump out of his mind and join reality, listening for some sound that would help distinguish the rumble that was now shaking the Summer House they were currently staying in.

Thats when the door shoved open, and he could feel Jasons presence before he felt a hand on his arm.

"Oh good, you're awake, come on, we have to leave now." Jason said, helping Dick out of bed.

"Does it have something to do with the rumbling?" Dick asked, his voice cracking from panic.

"Yeah, it seems the Justice League figured out where we are, so we have to go. They are searching the house two down from this on, so lets get going." Jason said, throwing shoes at a sleepy Kayla and turned to help Dick put on his converse. Once that was done, they rushed outside into the cold snow.

"Do you think we can outrun them?!" Kayla shouted, strapping on a backpack and helping Roy set up his Motorcycle. Jason set up his as Dick stood there in his sweats and oversized hoodie, waiting for him to be told to help.

"We can try. I don't know how far we'll get, but we can at least try to get outside of Gotham." Roy said, getting on his motorcycle with Kayla following.

Jason threw his foot over and looked back to see if the JLA had moved. To his luck, they were still searching that house. Jason looked over at Dick who was slightly shaking, most likely from the cold, but he could see something else in Dick's eyes that he knew all to well from experience. Fear.

"Dick, come here, we have to go." Jason said, figuring he would bring up the fear after they manage to escape the JLA. Dick nodded stiffly and felt his way onto Jasons bike, holding onto Jasons waist for dear life. He hated riding this thing, mainly because being blind, all you feel is the vibrations and hear the sounds. Those are the only hints you get.

"Once we turn these on we need to get a move on quick. These are loud and will no doubt alert them, Alright?" Jason said.

Roy nodded, a smirk appearing on his face. "You say that like I have never drove a motorcycle before J." He said.

Jason rolled his eyes and kicked his stand, readying to start his motorcycle. He turned slightly and sighed. "Hold on tight, Dick." He whispered, getting a small nod from the boy. He leaned forward and started his motorcycle, sending a loud roar into the neighborhood. He warmed it for a couple seconds before flooring it onto the road. He didn't have time to look back to see if Roy and Kayla were following, he just had to hope they were.

He could however hear that the JLA started to go after them, just by the way the ship has its own unique sound. He just tried to focus on the road ahead, trying to put as much space between them as he could.

"I CAN FEEL WALLY AND BARRY'S PRESENCE!" Dick shouted into his ear, before his head rested on Jason's right shoulder blade again. That made Dick slightly uneasy considering they were faster. He looked left to sense Roy slowly coming up on them and he relaxed, knowing they were together and hoping to get out of this wothout having to explain to the JLA why they are keeping hidden. They should know why, but they could be just that dense... well everyone except Batman.

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