"Hey Himawari, want to go grab something to eat?"

"Y- Yeah!" Her face lit up, she wrapped her arm around him, ready to leave.

"I'll be grabbing something to eat and I'm taking Himawari with me."

"Don't stay out too long you two!"

Hinata notice Himawari wearing Boruto's jacket, she couldn't help but smile. It looked great on her. Boruto would have approved. Both left, leaving Hinata, her with Sarada. She looked over at where Sarada was, her expression saddened trying to avoid eye contact.

"What's wrong Sarada?"

"... She must really miss him."

"We all do."

"W- Was it my fault?"

"What do you mean?"

"Boruto, he would have been here if it wasn't for me." Hinata gave Sarada a hug and eventually, she caved in.

"What happened is not your fault."

Hinata let's go and Sarada wiped away her tears. Hinata saw a spider dangling from the ceiling, unlike others spiders, this one was staring directly at her, their webs shinning a gold-colored like glow in the dark. She knew who this was and what she needed to do.

"Sarada, it seems like you had a long day. So why don't you head home and get some rest? You can continue your training over there. It's turning nighttime."

"But what about you, you'll be alone."

"Don't worry about me. I just going to get some rest."

After cleaning up Sarada waved goodbye to Hinata then left. After seeing Sarada leaving the neighborhood with her Byakugan, Hinata grabbed her outfit from the floor and puts it on. Once she placed her mask she jumped up and phased through the ceiling. She dashed away, disappearing into the shadows.


Mitsuki entered the apartment, closing the door behind him. A man was standing near the large window area, enjoying the view. Mitsuki stood beside him and looked outside. He could see the whole city, the village and beyond. Shiro slithered up to Mitsuki and wrap around him.

"Beautiful view, right brother?"

"True little brother."

"So, have you found Father?"


Mitsuki sighed, ever since the attack Orochimaru have disappeared leaving no traces behind. When word got out rumors have been forming that he's involved with the Academy. Since then everyone was looking for him.

"Do you believe he's with them?" Mitsuki questions his brother.

"I don't know." There was a silence between the two.

"How are you doing?"


"Your Sage Transformation."

"Ah, I-... I'm fine, for now."

"You sure? I've heard people been harassing you."

"They're afraid Log, afraid of being hurt again."

"Doesn't mean you have to take the heat. Why even bother with this village?"

"It's my home. And my friends need me more than ever." Log sighed.

"Alright, it's your decision." Log took out a cigarette while heading towards the door. After opening the door, he pauses, lit his cigarette, then took a drag. "It's time for me to leave the village. Can't risk them finding me out."

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