After receiving a small head nod from Shen, Zhanshi asks "what have I forgotten?"

The question was very broad, and most people would have told Zhanshi to specify his question, but Shen didn't. Instead, with his attention still focus on the two giggling infants by him, he asks back, "do you remember dying?"

Shaking his head, Zhanshi tells Shen, "I remember being badly injured then waking up here."

"You were badly injured, then died. Lui and I resurrected you with the help of a goddess. Do you remember why you were attack?" Shen casually says.

After pondering over the question for a minute, Zhanshi finds that he does not remember why he was attack. He clearly remembers who attacked him and that it happened in the Celestial world, but for some reason, no matter how hard he tried, he could not remember why he was attacked.

"Why was I attacked?" Zhanshi asks with a deep frown on his face.

Shen, "You wanted to break Lui's engagement."

Zhanshi, "oh.   Wait. huh?!"

With his expression still nonchalant, Shen explains, "Lui was engaged, to marry a god in the Celestial world."

As the word, 'engaged', run about in Zhanshi's mind, he remembers something that Lui had mentioned and thinks to himself:

'Didn't Lui say something about marrying someone earlier. I thought a had misheard! ...WAIT, then doesn't this mean that he is planning on going back and marrying that person!'

With that thought, a sour look cover Zhasnhi's face and immedatly turn around and walks towards the door.

As Zhanshi try to hurry away, Shen turns to him and asks, "where are you going?"

Without looking back at Shen, Zhanshi coldly answers, "He's going back to that guy! I won't allow it!"

Shen wanted to remind Zhanshi that Lui is pregnant with Zhanshi's baby and choose to come back with Zhanshi, so there is no way that he'll go back to that other guy; but before he could even get in any words, Zhanshi had already stormed out of the room in a mad dashing speed.


With the speed that Zhanshi was flying at, it took him less than a minute to arrive to the guest room that Lui is resting in. However, even though the actual time is very short, Zhanshi felt as though it took him a lifetime to get to the room.

Without even knocking, Zhanshi again, barges into the room and heads straight for the bedroom, but finds that Lui is not there.

As the scenario of Lui going back to his fiancé, pops up again in Zhanshi's mind, he clenches his fists tightly and begins to roughly searching  for Lui in the room.

With his mind in a panic, Zhanshi toss everything that crosses his sight away and search in every closets, draws, and even under creaks and crevices, completely neglecting the fact that Lui would have never fit in some of the places that he searched.

However, even though Zhanshi made sure to not miss one single crack in the room, Lui was still nowhere in sight. This caused Zhanshi's already sour and panicking face to turn dark as he swiftly heads towards the door.

But just as Zhanshi was about to pull the door open, it slowly push open from the other side, revealing a tired and slightly ashen Lui.

As Zhanshi stands at the doorway, slightly dumbfounded by the sudden happening, Lui glances past Zhanshi and slightly gasps upon seeing the mess the room was in.

"what happen?" Lui softly states to himself as he walks by Zhanshi into the middle of a pile of mess in the sitting room.


As Lui was about to begin picking up the pile of thrown things and cloth, to his surprise, before he even realizes how, Zhanshi pulls him into a tight hug.

"I won't let you go." Zhanshi states and tighten his arms around Lui

Lui, "mhh?"

Zhanshi, "You can't go. ...I have my baby, so you have to take responsibility ...and stay with me forever."

Still slightly confuse about Zhanshi is talking about, Lui tries to wiggle his body away from Zhanshi but couldn't, so with a sigh, asks "what do mean?"

"I. You said that you are going to go back to that guy. I won't allow it. You have my child, so you have to take responsibility for it and stay with me." Zhanshi quickly adds in a somewhat defensive manner as he tucks his face into the crevices of Lui's shoulder.

Lui widen his eyes slightly at Zhanshi's answer and feels his heart beat quicker before he roughly shakes and pushes Zhanshi away from him.

With Zhanshi a few inches away from him, Lui looks from his stomach to Zhanshi's frowning face, and nervously asks, "is... is that all? You wan- need me to stay with you because of the baby...  only?"


Zhanshi looks at Lui nervously bite his lips as he waits for Zhanshi to answer and feels his heart both soften and ache at the nervousness and sadness in Lui's voice.

"I want you to stay with me forever because I love you... please don't go back. I love you so much." Zhanshi softly says as he stares into Lui's surprise eyes and pulls him back into Zhanshi's embrace.

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