Cobblepot's Forbidden Love: 26. Second Chances

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"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"I'm Oswald, nice to meet you Nessita" the man pushed his hair form his eyes as he outstretched his hand, his other held a umbrella over Fish Mooney's head.

"I can always push you off the roof."

"Nessita, this is Victor he will be your trainer, VIctor I trust you will treat her well" I looked from Falcone to Zsasz, a smile was on his face along with the look of dread ...did he want to do this?

"Why are you roaming around Gotham at night? Don't cha have a family to get home to?"

""You're my niece" he said softly "Linda was my sister. Your father is a jackass.. he worked for Falcone, I never got to get you and be your guardian like Linda wanted because Falcone took you in. When I seen you come to Bamonte's years ago ..I was happy to see you. I wanted to tell you but, I knew you probably would not believe me and I wanted to keep you safe by not telling you."

"Why do you always treat her like that, Fish? She's just a kid. I wish I had never brought her into all of this."

"Nessita Michaels? I'm Carmine Falcone, I need to speak with you" Carmine held out his hand to me and I looked at him strangely.

"Nessita got the talent and the strength ...but will you ever had the guts to shoot someone?"

"I'm Fish Mooney ...and you are not what I expected" Fish wagged her finger with a smile.

"I know Fish can be a bitch ...but sometimes she is truthful."

"Come on kid, you can trust me. Let's start over 'Hey, I'm Butch.'" He held his hand out to me and I smiled.

"Nessita" someone called, I looked around and seen no one "You have a lot to live for."

I opened my eyes to find I was in a cold box, I kicked my foot out with enough force to knock open a small door, I pushed myself out of the small box to find I was on a bed like thing the morgue of Gotham Hospital, I stepped off the stretcher thing onto the floor and found my knees were a little wobbly, I looked to the side and seen some clothes.

I dressed in a oversized button up and shorts from the side before exiting the morgue, I took the band off my wrist and threw it down as I made my exit on wobbly legs, I held onto a rail that was on the side and pulled myself to the elevator, when I saw the elevator doors open I hid behind a rack on wheels that held lab coats or whatever.

A man walked out nd headed the way I had came I shot to the elevator before it could close and hit the 1st floor button, I leaned against the elevator and sighed "Cobblepot" I said as I watched the floor numbers light up from basement to 1st "You are now on my list" I finished as the 1st floor lit up and the elevator doors opened, I walked out and past the desk then went out the door.

My skin burned as I thought of how he stabbed me because of Galavan, when I get my hands on the little- what am I saying? Victor Zsasz has to protect PEnguin, no way would I ever get close to the little shit.

I walked into a old thrift store and looked around for clothes, I found jeans that were ripped, a black crop top, a black jean jacket and some knee high boots, I walked into a stall and changed, leaving the clothes from the hospitall in the dressing room. I walked out without paying with no money on me,I then walked into town where GCPD was.

I busted open the doors to GOtham Police Department and said "I need to reprt a murder" when I looked to Harvey Bullock his face turned white as a ghost.

He moved from his desk and took me by the arm "I got this" he told a cop before dragging me into a room where we could talk, he had my arm gripped very tight.

"What the hell... How are you alive?!" he finally shouted "Me, Gordon and our new ...Captain all three saw the body, Nessita."

Me and HArvey were always on good terms ...just not about Mooney "Nice to see you too" I said sarcastically "I don't know, but I know who killed me" he started to open his mouth "No. This is between me and that person ...but I do need to know where Oswald Cobblepot is."

"Cobble-? I don't even know where he is!" he said and ran a hand down his face as the door opened, HArvey whipped around "What?!"

THere was a little dorky dude pushing glasses up onto his nose "Detective Bullock ...Detective Gordon would like a word."

HArvey looked annoyed but he pointed a finger at me "Stay. Do not move" he said, he didn't move towards the door but he did hug me "I am glad you are okay" he mumbled before leaving, I turned to the man who was just standing there.

He held his hand out "Nygma. Edward Nygma" he said, I raised a eyebrow at him before shaking his hand "Ne-" I stopped and cleared my throat "Natalie Jenkins" I lied.

He smiled "Do you like riddles?"


His smile faded a bit but perked right up "If your looking for me, you will find me in a home ...far away from the G ..C...P...D" he said and turned to leave, I raised a eyebrow and sat down in a chair as I waited on Harvey.

Strange man ....I looked at the table to see a note[ad turned upside down, I turned it over to find a address, I smiled and sighed "Good guy ..BAd judge of charecter" I said as I pocketted the paper and went to the only window in the room, I raised it open and planned my escape.

I struggled through the window but jumped down into the alley beside the GCPD, I ran for Mikes -a gun store -illegal- that got raided years ago only to reopen a couple months back- Mike has me good deeals and lets me pay him every month. I needed a gun, a great gun.

I opened the door to Mike's and went straight to the counter I smiled "I need Michael Rein, tell him it's his number one. I need a gun that has a damn good scope on it. Fast."

A eye for a eye, Penguin. You dickhead.

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