"Looks delicious, Em." I grin. She's basically good at cooking everything, but her desserts are to die for.

The doorbell rings again, and Dakota rushes off to open it.

"So are the-mm- male friends coming to the party?"

"That's the plan."

"And the one you are smitten with?"

I open my mouth to argue, but just answer: "Si."

"Ahh good, good. Now I was supposed to tell you that Miss Kat-"

"Mother was too busy to come." I interrupt. "Yeah, I figured as much."

"Do not be too hard on her, Miss Kasey. She had another party to go to."

"Huh. Okay, whatever. Do you need help with anything?"

"No. But, are your American friends bringing food? I didn't make as much because I figured it was kind of...whats the word...a potluck."

"Yeah, they are."

"So...i do not need you to help yet. Go! Greet the guests." She shoos me out.

I chuckle to myself and head towards the door. "Kevin? You were invited?"

"Umm, yah. Me and Dakota ARE kinda dating." He mutters.

"Dakota and I." I correct. He looks confused so I roll my eyes and shoot a 'we are going to talk about this later' look to a guilty looking Dakota, and send a smile his way. I think he knows that it's fake.

"Well, c'mon then. We set up a bunch of chairs. But you are first to arrive." Just then, the door swings open, and hits Kevin.

"Oh, sorry." Keila pops her head around the edge of the door, slowly easing it closed again.

"Huh? For what?" Kevin scratches his head.

Heaven help us all.

I swallow my laughter. "Hi, Keils."

She opens the door now that Kevin's out of the way, and walks in. "Is Rosie allowed in here?"

"What?" Dakota frowns at the same time I ask:


"Rosie!" She calls, suddenly the door comes flying open and a huge dog comes bounding in with a loud bark.

We all scramble to get out of the way, and Keila scrambles after her. "Rosie! Bad girl! Stop!"

Rosie surprising stops in her tracks and looks at Keila with her tongue hanging out one corner of her mouth.

"Good. Now come here." She huffs. Rosie blinks once, twice, and comes back to us.

I look at Keila, flabbergasted. "You got a dog!?"

"Well no, Rosie's not mine, I'm pet sitting for someone... but I'm thinking of getting one. What do ya think?"

"Umm, it depends..." Dakota starts slowly.

"What kind of dog are you thinking?" I ask her. "A tiny little cute one who gets her hair braided in pink bows?"

"Hmm. That'd be adorable! I could get her little outfits..." Keila gushes

Dakota and I stare at her as if her body was kidnapped by another species.

She curls her lip in disgust. "Guys! Take a joke! Geez! Although...it would be funny to see a tiny pug on my bike with his little tongue flapping in the wind..." She chuckles.

My Kind Of Perfection(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now