Chapter 2

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  • Dedicado a My Best Friend Jolene

Aunt Jen and Marissa drive to the place that Marissa would soon call home. When they arrive she sees a man, and a little blonde baby boy. Marissa gets out of the car and walks over to the man and Henry.

"This must be Henry," Marissa meets the eyes of the man "I'm Marissa by the way." He shakes her hand and hands her Henry

"So you're my baby cousin. Well nice to meet you Henry."

Aunt Jen took her suitcase into the doorway. 

"May if you don't mind when you get used to it could you call me "JJ" when we are at the BAU, its a little weird for you to call me Aunt Jen."

"Sorry Aunt Jen, noted." Marissa follows Aunt Jen to the guest room.

"Aunt Jen do you or Will, have a car I can borrow, I want to drive around for a little bit," Marissa asks because she was really in need of some fast food.
Aunt Jen hands her keys to Marissa and whispers "Bring back something for Henry"

Marissa nodded, she smiled as Marissa grabs her jacket and heads for the car. Aunt Jen drives a black SUV, so Marissa gets into it and drove to the nearest Fast Food place, McDonald's.

Marissa walks in and sees a boy about 24 or 25, her age. He was sitting in the near corner, working on a file, she doesn't see the upcoming trash can and bumps into falling face first into the pile of trash. Feeling someone come up behind her she try to pull herself out of the trash can.

"Ma'am, do you need some help?" The male voice asked.

"If you wouldn't mind helping me." She answered. Feeling hands on her back he pulls her from the trash. Luckily Marissa didn't have any trash on her, she feels like she would have died from embarrassment. She meets the eyes of the gentleman that helped pull her out of the trashcan. It was the boy she was staring at before she fell. He held out his hand

"I'm Spencer Reid." She shakes his held out hand.

"Marissa, You can call me May." She responses.

"W-w-w-would you c-c-c-care to join me-eee." He stutters out.

"That would be wonderful." Marissa smiles and follows him to his table in the corner.

"So Marissa, what do you do."

"I have B.A in Psychology and Sociology, PH.D in Mathematics and Chemistry. I graduated High School at the age of 13."

He stares at her in amazement.

"All of those are the same, except I graduated High School at the age of 12." 

It feels like they talked for twenty minutes but when Marissas phone rings, Aunt Jen shows on the caller ID it shows that it's 8:30, they had been talking for 2 hours.

As soon as Aunt Jen calls Marissa knew she did something wrong.

"Marissa Calliope Jareau, where are you. You have had me and Will sick for hours, and you didn't think to call." Marissa rolls her eyes and winks at Spencer.

"Aunt Jen please calm down, I'm still at McDonald's, I walked into a trash can and fell into it and a boy helped me. I promise I'll buy Henry something tomorrow." There is a sigh of relief on the other line.

"Okay well you need to get home, you and I have to be at the BAU at seven-thirty."

"Okay Aunt Jen be home soon."  Marissa  walks back over to Spencer and hands him a piece of paper with her phone number on it.

"Sorry I have to go like now, my aunt has to take me to work with her tomorrow." Stretching up on her toes Marissa kisses him on the cheek.

"Thank you Spencer, you have been the first person to want to talk to me out of those who I've met since I arrived in Quantico."Marissa walks out the door and Spencer watches her leave

Desire Of The SoulOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora