Kill or Kiss Me?|I, the Match

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Chapter Six - I, the Match

"Good morning, Marco," I chirped at him and I immediately see his face turn mortified. He scoot himself far from me like I had contacted a virus.

Just then Janna appears and Diaz points at me. "W-what happened to her?! Why is she calling me Marco and why is she so damn happy it's scary!"

Janna chuckles. "Well, she's got the love bug."

Diaz tilts his head in confusion. "The love bug? What's that?" Janna clears her throat. "--it's like when you're  in love you can't help but see the world in sparkle and sunshine--basically she's immune to any insult from you."

"About the deal we made," I flutter my eyes at him in joy. "--I did it. I got him to go with me to the movies."

He looks slightly interested. I thought he would be a bit more suprised than that. "What about you? Did you manage to ask her?"

He scratches his head. "I-I haven't had the chance to talk to her."

I chuckle. "Fufufu, you sure are a coward, Diaz. Want me to do it for you?"

"That would be great, thanks a lot," he grinned. I was taken aback. I jabbed my fingers at him. "Y-you should be insulted not grateful!"

"Well you're offering me a good deal, how can I oppose?" he raises his shoulders and looks at me with a smug. "---that's really kind of you, Butterfly. I'll pray that you'll get shorter."

"Well since I'm in a good mood, I can sure throw in compliments about you," I wink and his eyes sparkle. "You're the best, Butterfly."

"Hahaha, praise me more, Diaz," I grinned like a sneaky cat. Janna sighs while looking at us. "I really don't get you both. Do you like each other or not? I give up."

We both look at her and say in sync. "We don't like each other! We're calling truce for now!"

A voice butts in. "Nice to see the day lively with our duo."

"Jackie," Diaz looks at her like a puppy who found his owner. Those starstruck eyes, I never saw Marco look that way.

"Hi Marco," she grins and of course it makes Diaz gay that he's on the verge of having a mild attack.

"Jackie, wanna come with us?" I say bluntly and straight to the point. Jackie asks, still smiling. "What about?"

"The movies this Saturday," I grin and Jackie scratches her hair. "I'm afraid I ca---"

"But there's Marco, me and Oscar," I cut her off before she could decline and I swear something in her eyes changed when I mentioned Oscar. Is there something...nah! Just my eyes playing tricks.

"I-I guess I can come," she shyly smiles. "--what time?"

"12:00 in the noon," I chirped and Jackie tucks a strand of hair behind her ears. I couldn't help but admire her beauty as she lets a warming smile as if she's thinking about someone dear to her.

. . .

"Ms. All-Great-Butterfly, what would you like to order?" Diaz says as he hands me the menu and I grab it with a mischievous grin. "It's all on you right?"

"And why am I here?" Janna looks back and forth at us, as if she's a third-wheeler, as if! This guy beside me? Hah! A joke.

Starco: Kill Or Kiss Me? |COMPLETED✔|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin