Kill or Kiss Me|I, the Cat

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Chapter One - I, the Cat

|Disclaimer : All types of media belongs to its rightful owners|

(c) 2020, Thegirlwithevilface

| 🎧Playlist - Ragtime na Risa by Lovely Complex OST|

Everyone always say that we're like a fighting couple. Some say that he's just teasing me because he likes me.

But none of those are true.

I absolutely despise him!

I am the cat, he is the dog. I'm the boy, he's the girl. I'm the tall one, he's the short one. In almost everything we are completely opposites, a day wouldn't passed by without him bugging me or getting me stressed up.

The thought of him and me together makes me wanna puke my guts. "Morning," he greets and places his bag on the floor, then takes a seat and stares at me just to piss me off.

"Wouldn't hurt to smile, bulldog," he smirks, perking up a sly smirk that I want to punch. "Why should I smile at you? Just  your presence is enough to piss me off."

"Come on, it's the first day of summer class. You should be atleast happy to see me, even during summer break," he grins and I roll my eyes. "--why am I always stuck with you?"

"I should be asking that," he retorts. "--do you really like me that much, Butterfly?"

"In your dreams, no one would like a 5th grade looking like you," I sneer and smirk seeing his frowned expression that was priceless. "--you should drink more milk. I heard it helps short people like you."

"Well Butterfly, how about you stop growing? No guy would like a giraffe like you," he rests his palm under his chin. "Ugh! You piss me off, Diaz," I grit my teeth.

"Likewise," he says and ignores me, fidgeting with his phone. I sigh and glance at the window. Out of all the people, why am I stuck with him every single time?

"Is that Jackie Lynn Thomas?" a voice perks up and Marco looks, then puts down his phone and in an instance his gaze lingers on the beauty entering the classroom.

I smirk. 'This midget likes that chick?' I nudge Marco by the shoulder. "So is that your type? You need to be atleast be two inches  taller than her for her to notice you, not that you're  that short,  but yeah you're short."

He elbows me on the sides and I yelp, smacking his head. "What's your deal?! That hurt. Do you know that you shouldn't hit women?"

He glances at me. "I don't care if you're a woman, although you don't actually look like one."

"Whatd'ya say?!" I screech at him and he covers his ears. "You're loud, louder than sirens."

A laugh resonates and we both look at the person in front of us. Marco flushes red and I gawk at her beauty with her pearly white teeth glistening. "It's a pleasure to meet our famous comedic duo."

"I'm Jackie," she lends her hand and Marco looks away, red tinting on his ears. I grab her hand and shake it away. "Star Butterfly."

"It's really destiny that you're always together," Jackie says with amazement and claps her hands in amusement. "--wish I had something like that."

"It's a curse--being stuck with him," I point at Marco. "It's like everyone does this purposely to be entertained and I'm here wanting to be freed from this curse."

"Stop acting like I wanted this," he glares at me. "--no one wants to be with a gorilla like you."


Excuse me?!" I screech at him and he points his finger at me. "Just look at your nose flaring, you're like a gorilla! A gorilla I tell you!"

Jackie chuckles and takes the seat im front of us. "I think you're both lying to yourselves."

Me and Marco both look at each other. "Lying? About what?"

Jackie interwines her fingers and in an innocent smile she says. "You want to be beside each other. If you really hate each other, why are you both seated beside each other?"

We stared at her for a second before sinking in what she was saying. "What?! No way in hell!" we both say in sync to Jackie and she giggles.

I point an accusing finger at Marco. "Between us, I think you're the one who likes me! I came here first!"

"Me? You? I like? Are you delusional? No one would like a woman like you who has no sex appeal and looks like a guy from her behind!" he shouts so loudly that every one from the class hear and followed by a loud 'ooh'.

I gave Marco a hatred look before storming out of the class from humiliation. That ugly jerk! He didn't have to go that far! He's short and he's  weak! He's the most unmanliest man I've ever met.

I hid behind the building of the school, craddling myself to my knees as I feel the cold breeze damp on my skin. But he was right. I have no sex appeal and I act like a guy. But he went too far, I know that no guy would like me.

Someone who's taller, who has no sex appeal and who acts like a guy. Anyone would be embarrassed if they went out with me. They'd be mistaken as my little brother or worst, we're in a gay relationship.

I chuckled while a tear trickled down my eyes. I know that.


"Why is it always my fault?!" I tried to defend myself but they were guilt-tripping me, saying that I shouldn't say that to a girl, that it ruins their confidence as a woman.

Woman my arse! She's used to being called a tomboy, why act so sensitive now? And the look Jackie gives me makes me embarrassed. She must think I'm the biggest asshole.

I slammed my fists on the desk. I sighed loudly. "Fine! I'll apologize and find her!" I storm out of the room cursing under my breath. Why do I always have to apologize?!

I scratch my head in a annoyance as I roam around every corner and hall, finding a tall figure. I mean, she can be found easily, with that height of hers. I head behind the building where she probably is.

As I step closer, I hear a sob. I peeked and saw that a guy was beside her, handing a handkerchief. "He just doesn't understand you," the guy says as Star nods with her swollen eyes and reddened nose. She looks like a monster from hell.

I sigh and took a step back. "Well there's mr. Superhero to the rescue. I'll just talk to her later."

I started to walk away when I hear her say. "He's right anyway. No one loves me, to them I'm like a guy in the body of a girl."

I clicked my tongue. "Idiot. There's probably someone out there who will love that man attitude of yours."

"And no one will be with me because every guy out there loves cute, small and fragile girls while I-I, I'm the opposite of that," she wails and the guy places his hand on her shoulder.

"There will be someone who'll love you the way you are," the guy says and I see Star's eyes sparkle. Oh boy. "--and you just have to wait."

I walk away, feeling slightly irritated out of nowhere. That pig! I know that look of hers very well.

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