Chapter 23: Come Alive With Ladybug and Cat Noir

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"An A! A beautiful, beautiful A!" Marinette and Alya walked out of the classroom and started down the stairs to the courtyard.

"I'm glad you made me perform Alya. This is a lot better than an F." Marinette grabbed her sheet of paper that had her grade on it.

"You're welcome girl. Just remember what Madam B said."

Marietta sighed. "I know. I know." Madam B had said that she was generous this time because it was the class's first performance. She had said that she was expecting everyone to get better throughout the year. "Why can't I just perform to her in private? It would be less nerve racking then performing in front of the whole class."

Alya laughed. "It's suppose to make it feel like a real audience. Only there are a lot more people that singers perform in front of."

Marinette got real nervous after Alya had said that. "How-How many more people?"

"I would guess like thousands!" Marinette stopped walking as Alya kept going. Alya then noticed her friend frozen in her tracks. "You okay girl?"

Marinette was about to answer until she heard a high pitched voice clear its throat. She looked over to the side with her eyes discreetly and saw Tikki leaning against the wall. The red dyed hair girl used her head to gesture that it was time to get going.

Marinette looked back towards Alya. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just the idea of performing in front of people makes me nervous." Marinette started walking back with Alya.

"Okay," Alya said unsure. Marinette glanced back over to where she last saw her agent and came to find out that she was gone.

After walking outside, Alya turned to Marinette. "Want to come over to my place? We can stay there until we have to leave for the performance at the Miraculous Agency. I heard that Ladybug and Cat Noir are performing!"

Marinette smiled nervously as she tried to come up with an excuse. "I'm sorry Alya. I have to uh...clean my room or I can't go." Alya inspected at her nervous friend.

"Okay then. But be sure to hurry up that way you can go okay? We can meet up at the agency."

"Okay," Marinette said as she giggled.

"Maybe I can even make a blog based off of her and get to know her." Alya gasped with excitement. "Or better yet! Find out who is really under that mask!"

"Yeah. Good luck with that." Marinette giggled at Alya as they started to go their separate ways.

"I'll see you there okay?" Alya waved goodbye to Marinette.

"Okay!" Marinette turned around to continue home.

"You know you have to go to the Miraculous Agency now right?" Marinette jumped back and almost fell over. Tikki had just appeared out of nowhere in front of Marinette.

"Seriously! We have to get you a bell!" Marinette began to recover from Tikki's jump scare.

"Seriously! We have to go now! We can tell your parents that you need to meet Alya or something but we have to go."

"Okay. Okay. Let me just pop in and tell my parents I'll be out."

"Okay but hurry. We need to get going or we'll be late."

Marinette ran to the bakery and opened the door. Her parents were making a cake for the first performance of the Miraculous Agency as an order. They were offered to go for free as a thank you. Marinette was as well.

"Oh wow! That looks delicious!" Tikki said, drool almost falling out of her mouth.

"What are you doing? Hide!" As soon as Tikki hid, Marinette's parents turned to their daughter in the doorway.

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