Chapter 3: Intoduction Week

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"I am Madam Bustier, but you can call me Madam B. I will be your teacher for this year." The teacher was very nice. Her voice was sweet and she sounded like she would understand any odd predicament.

"I will be giving you all a lesson each week and at the end of the week, Friday, you will perform a song if you had not already done so throughout the week."

"I wonder what lesson she will have today," Alya whispered to Marinette. "Same." Marinette was excited to be there, but now all she could really think about was the boy that was sitting in front of her. She must stop referring to him as "the boy." She knew his name after all. Adrien. If he was the son of Gabriel Agreste like she knew he was then his name would be Adrien Agreste.

"This week's lesson will be..." Madam B went over to the chalk board and wrote something down. The class couldn't see it at first, but Madam B then moved so they could. "Introduction." The class looked at each other asking each other "what?" and "huh?"

"You will find a song that will help you be introduced  to the class and the school." Madam B walked in front of the piano. "Who in here sings?" The whole class raises their hands. "Good. This will be a solo project like I planned."

Madam B sat down at the piano and smiled at the class. "Does anyone have a song already in mind?" No one moved. "No one?" Everyone looked around. "Well that's alright. We have all week. Now feel free to talk to anyone to help you find a song." Madam B gave the class a final smile and let the class talk away.

"What do you think I should do girl?" Alya was the first to ask Marinette anything. She was excited. Marinette laughed. "I think..." Marinette tapped on her chin as she thought. "'Confident' by Demi Lovato." Alya smiled wide. "Girl, I think we just found my introduction song in two seconds flat!" Both of the girls laughed and high fived.

"Now let's pick your song," Alya said. "Alright. Go ahead. What does the great Alya have up her sleeve?" Marinette thought she would encourage her friend. It was the first day of school after all and she was excited.

Alya thought for a while and when she got an idea, she lit up. "Oh! I've got the perfect song for you." Marinette was nervous now. "Why did I have to encourage you?"


"Dude. I can't think of a song. I need some help." Adrien looked at Nino. "I just met you."

"I know dude, but still. Can't you help a guy out?"

"I guess. What do you like about music?"


"Okay. We're getting somewhere. Do you sing?"

"Didn't you see my hand up when Madam B asked everyone that question?"

"Oh. Right. Well then I suppose you could go with..." Adrien thought for a while until he thought of a song. "'We Are Giants' by Lindsey Stirling?"

"A girl song?"

"Hey! Don't be mean. This song is actually pretty cool. You can even DJ to it."

"Really? Dude! You rock!"


"Since you helped me, I'm gonna return the favor."

"Thanks bro, but I'm good."

"I already have a song in mind."

"Uhhh. And what song is that exactly?"


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