Chapter 11- Reunited

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Copter looked up from writing his report as the hushed voices grew in intensity and almost drowned the quietness around him. He straightened and peered over the shoulders of the others to see someone being rushed into the ER on a gurney, with a guy wearing heavy make-up talking mile-a-minute over a phone glued to his ear. He was hearing snippets of conversations going on in hushed undertones. They said ' talent show' ‘exhaustion' ‘collapsing' and thinking back and putting these random words into some semblance of a sentence he felt anxiety creeping up his spine. 'someone in the talent show collapsed due to exhaustion' he said in his head and went into a full blow panic attack. 'P' Kim' he said under his breath and rushed into the milling crowd clawing at everyone like a man possessed.

He came into the ER with so much struggling and as he looked up the whole room has come to a stand still and were staring at him. The doctor was someone fond of Copter and he asked “N’ Copter? What are you doing here?” he walked closer to the young boy with a distressed look about him.

Copter was not seeing anything other than the man on the bed, lying motionless. He felt the room tilt and darkness on the edge of his vision. He stumbled but stayed standing, supporting himself on the wall closest to him. He dragged himself along the wall towards the prone body lying on the bed. Copter felt his breath hitching and his heart constrict with fear as he came closer. “My P'” he said and broke down into tears of so much grief he feared his heart would just stop and him just dropping dead.

“Doctor? Who is this? And what is he doing here? I want him out of here. Now" the manager person was red in his face and the vein on his temple was pulsing as if to burst any minute. He came towards Copter waving his hands trying to shoo him off like a bird.

Everyone in the room saw Copter’s face turn from grief to murderous rage in a split second and before anyone could react the manager was on the floor screaming bloody murder holding his face in both his hands with Copter standing on top of him with bruised fisted hands.

Dr. Bright came to stand next to Copter and touched his shoulder hoping to calm the young man. The touch seemed to have broken the spell he was under, because his shoulder slumped immediately and he bent trying to help the still screaming man to his feet.

“Get the hell off of me. Don’t touch me crazy bastard. You don’t know who you are messing with you foolish boy. I am going to sue your ass. You will be so sorry” he looked at the medical staff looking at him and said “all of you bore witness to the assault, all of you” he fell writhing on the floor again.

This made Copter realize what he did might actually get him in trouble. And he looked at Dr. Bright as if begging for help and found the entire staff looking at the crazy acting manger guy with a mix of amusement and disgust. Dr. Bright smiled at the young man, winked conspiratorial way and then turned to the effeminate man “Assault? What assault?” he asked looking at his colleagues. The others got wind of the act he was on and shrugged their shoulders as if they didn’t understand what the man was talking about. “I didn’t see any assault. I saw you slip  and fall, maybe hitting your jaw. But nothing else.” P' Bright said and tapped on Copter’s head and ruffled his hair affectionately. “I think you should go out Mr…?” he asked with one eyebrow raised.

“Tor, I’m his manager. I don’t have to anything you say. I simply own him and I should be present what ever you do.” He said waving his hand and fluttering his lashes seductively which was so revolting the people present in the ER were gagging.

“No. You will go out and let me check the boy. If you don’t go out willingly, then I will call the security and send you out. Your choice” Dr. Bright said and turned to his colleagues and said “get his vitals. Copter you can stay and help if you are free.”  With that Tor was dismissed and forgotten. One of the nurses guided the very reluctant manager out of the ER with a firm hand on his back closed the door behind him. 

Dr. Bright turned to the young nursing student and smiled “I will be careful not to cross you here after. You have a mean right hook for a cutesy dwarf” he said making Copter blush. The young doctor shook his head and said “it is clear that this guy is someone close” he said and Copter nodded his head still staring at his P' . Dr. Bright sighed and turned towards the others hooking Kim to various machines to get his vitals “Let’s get him fixed up then.” He said and Copter could only watch helplessly.

Copter felt the feather soft touch in his hair and immediately pushed up against the contact. “hey baby” he heard the familiar voice and shot up from his seated position and met with the beautiful dark orbs that were responsible for countless nights of tears and nightmares. But at the moment it was the best thing he could ask for.

“You are awake” he stated the obvious and smiled which quickly turned into torrential downpour of tears of relief.

Kim straightened with difficulty being very careful not to pull any of his numerous tubes and stuff and embraced the weeping boy. “ I’m sorry to have scared you like this baby. But I’m alright now. Maybe still a bit weak, but it will go away if I rest a bit.” He said stroking the soft locks reassuringly.

Copter held on to Kim's hand that was not hooked on to any machine and kissed it lovingly and drenched it in the process with his tears. “ I knew I would see you again. I didn’t, in my wildest dreams wished I would see you this sick. But I am glad I was able to see you and nurse you back to health.” He chocked and had to take a few deep breaths before he spoke again. “I miss you so much P'” he said and his whole body was trembling with the effort to not completely breakdown in front of Kim. He didn’t want to stress the older boy any more than he already is, but he was losing control so fast.

An involuntary sob escaped Kimmon’s throat and he pulled the slight trembling body against his and hugged him hard. “I miss you too baby, every single day. I feel so empty and worthless without you by my side. I blame myself for all the hurtful things I have done to you and I am so ashamed of myself for that. I don’t even know how you can still be like this for me.” He said and kissed the flushed cheek lovingly. Kim held the boy’s hands in his and kissed them. But he stopped at the sight of bruises knuckles and frowned “what happened to your hand baby? Were you in a fight?” he asked peering at Copter’s face.

Copter felt a sense of pride fill his whole being and a beatific smile adorned his face. “I may have docked your precious manager” he said stealing a playful glance at Kim making him burst into a fit of laughter.

“You hit P' Tor? Good boy. I so wanted to do it for like forever.” Kim kissed the smiling lips and cupped the soft cheeks that he was deprived of in pursuit of his dreams. Copter was in his own bit of heaven, being in his P' Kim’s arms and being kissed senseless. It was like a long awaited rains after years of drought, the love reignited instantaneously.

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