Chapter 8 - Heartache

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The phone buzzed on the night stand which woke Kim up. He silenced the phone and checked if the noise had disturbed the boy sleeping next to him on his bed. It seemed like he stopped it just in time. Kim slowly and very carefully disentangled himself from Copter and walked into the bathroom and closed the door before answering the call.

“Hello?” He said knowing full well who was on the other side. “Why are you calling at this time? We had an agreement. Please I need at least a few days” he was pleading with the voice even before they uttered a single word.

“We had an agreement, that was before you went and had an unexpected romantic escapade.” The voice was firm and accusing.

“But, I.. oh god…” Kim felt completely lost and helpless. He had to choose between Copter and his dream of being a star. The dream that he had wanted to come true for as far as he had known. His life had been a constant struggle and it was high time that he made some move to get it in line but at the cost of losing Copter was unacceptable. “I need at least an hour. Please.” He said tears streaming down his face.

“No. The van is at your building already. Come down right this minute. If you don’t we will forget about the contract and you can go back to the way you were before. This is final and the ball is in your court right now.” The line went dead and Kim broke down and cried. He knew Copter would be heartbroken and there was nothing he could do to change it without giving up everything he worked so hard to achieve. 

He made a decision and picked up his phone to make a call. “Hey, I’m sorry to call you at this time, but I need your help”

P' Tae, where is P' Kim?” Copter was breathless. He had run all over the faculty in search of his P', but he was no where to be found. Now he was at the basketball court and everyone was there except his P' Kim. Copter’s heart was going to beat itself out of his rib cage any minute now. He was watching P' Kim’s friends as they avoid looking at his face as if they have some big secret they want to hide from him. “P' Pick please”. He was ready to get on his knees and beg someone for answers.

“Nong come and sit with me.” P' Tae said and took the younger boy away from the others and sat him on the side bench where substitute players would be sitting during a match. “Your P' is had to leave. He was selected for an idol contest and the organizers came and took him away.” Tae watched as grief set in the beautiful face. The younger boy’s eyes filled with tears and the lips quivered. Tae felt he could kick the idiot friend’s ass for hurting this sweet child but he knew Kim tried very hard to call and tell the boy and was not allowed. “They made him leave his phone too. That might have been why you couldn’t get in touch with him. But he called me early this morning and told me to tell you this. He has been struggling with hardships all his life and he needed to do this and give it a try and get out of all his problems. They had signed a contract with him  and having this thing” he motioned between Copter and an imaginary person “was a breach of the contract” He kept on looking at Copter just to make sure he would stay rationally.

Copter sat there struck with shear disbelief. They were so happy just last night. They had a beautiful candle lit dinner and had returned to P' Kim’s room where things kind a went all hot and steamy. Their relationship was not like what happened usually. P' Kim had been in tune with Copter’s needs and fears as if they were one being in 2 physical bodies. He had known Copter was not ready to take their relationship to the next level so he had been patient with him without him even having to voice it. But last night had been completely the opposite and even though Copter had been a bit worried in the beginning, he soon got into the mood and groove. It had been the best time in his young life where their love came to a fulfilment like never before. Had him falling in love with P’ Kim after they made love. However the next morning he had woken up alone in bed. Then the news P' Tae told him destroyed Copter.

He didn’t want to face anyone right now and didn’t want to talk to anyone either. He was too hurt to even breath freely. Even breathing was painful. He stood up and walked away from the older guys watching him with sad faces.

Copter wasn’t even sure how he went to his room without meeting with an accident or running into a wall. As he entered his room his eyes fell on the photo on his cupboard. He fell on his knees and wept for all the pain in his heart. But to his dismay the pain was too much for him to purge that easily. He hugged his knees and laid on the floor.

When he got up from the floor it was dark outside and his phone was a glow with so many missed calls that he didn’t even want to check because he knew that none of them were who he desperately expect a call from. He crawled to his knees and stood up with so much effort because his neck and back was cramped from lying on the floor for so long. He walked to his wardrobe and packed his bag and left the room in the dark, never even thinking of returning.

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