Chapter 7- The next step..

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Previous night…

Their date has been beautiful and they had come back to P' Kim's room to chill for a while. Copter was worrying himself sick because P' Kim was not even touching him intimately. All his friends asked him if they had done 'It' already and he would die of embarrassment every time. He scolded who ever asked this question but he was troubled because his P' was not seem to be interested in him that way. He was just about had enough of P' Kim treating him like he was made out of bone China. 'but do I have the balls to confront him about it?' he asked himself.

“Copter? Is everything ok? You look troubled” Kimmon saw the scrunched eyebrows and down turned lips and knew something was wrong.

“Nothing P'.” Copter started to sweat. 'he knows something is up. If he find out what it is I would be done for, oh god' he couldn’t even look at his P' and to make things even worst, P' Kim was peering into his face trying to make sense of his weird behavior.

“No, there is something you aren’t telling me. Please look at me babe. It’s just the 2 of us. There cannot be anything you could not tell me” Kim was really worried and he felt like such a hypocrite. He himself had something that he couldn’t tell the younger boy, but he is trying to convince the younger boy to be honest with him.

Copter took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. 'I can do this' he thought giving himself a mental pep talk. “P’ do you find me not attractive.. somehow..” his reserve of strength was fast diminishing. “Do you think I’m a weakling that would shatter at physical contact.” He felt his eyes tearing up 'how pathetic, you can’t even say two lines without crying like a baby. No wonder he is afraid to touch you’ he was scolding himself and roughly wiped the wetness off of his cheeks. “ I’m not made out of bone china, you know. I won’t crash and burn if you touch me.” He said and turned away from P' Kim because he couldn’t bear to see the stunned expression on his face.

“Wait, Copgi. What are you saying? Baby look at me” Kim didn’t want to upset the boy more than he already was. So he held Copter by his arms and turned him around to face him. “I treasure you. I love you and know this please. I get so emotionally drained every time we meet because I have to exert so much energy trying to hold myself back.” Kim watched as realization sets in on the beautiful face and Copter’s eyes bulged and cheeks flush. “Yes, you are so precious to me and I would have waited for all eternity till you are ready. But that is not an easy thing to do Copgi” he said.

Copter wanted to jump and dance with joy and run away from embarrassment simultaneously. But he was determined to get to the end of this issue. “Why didn’t you ask me?” he said looking down wringing his hands.

“Ask you? Ask you what?” Kim was trembling with need. He was not sure how long he would be able to hold himself back. Copter was so beautiful and him being embarrassed and adorable is turning Kim on to the point he was losing him mind.

“If I’m ready” Copter couldn’t believe that he was having this conversation with his P'. It is was if someone else had possessed him and making him talk. He felt P' Kim move closer and felt his breath on his cheek as he bent down to whisper in his ear. Copter got goose bumps all over his arms and legs as P' spoke.

“So are you?” he asked in a husky whisper and snakes his arms around Copter’s waist and touched his bare skin under his shirt. “Can I make you mine completely? Will you give yourself to me baby?” Kim kissed the soft skin under Copter’s ear and trailed down towards the open neck of his shirt.

Copter couldn’t breath even if he wanted to. His whole body was on fire and he was melting in P’ Kim’s arms. He let out a pitiful moan that skyrocketed his embarrassment but he couldn’t help it. He flung his arms around the older boy’s shoulder and clung to his body in a futile effort to hold himself up on his gelatinous legs.

“So… you have been ready all this time and I wasted so much time, not knowing that” Kim was unbuttoning Copter’s shirt with trembling finger that wasn’t getting the job done as fast he wanted. “This is so frustrating.” He gritted his teeth “My usually nimble hands have gone numb. I was going to die of blue balls. You might have just saved my life unknowingly baby” he kissed Copter’s lips roughly and to his surprise, Copter returned the kiss with just as much vigor. That broke Kim’s resolve and he picked up the smaller boy bodily and carried him to his bed. Copter was responding to his every move so beautifully and eagerly, Kim was losing his mind. Kim dumped Cop on the bed un-ceremoniously and pulled at his clothes like a mad man. He needed to touch skin and he needed to do it right now. Copter, to his credit, was helping it along by wiggling himself on the bed and helping Kim's mission.

“P'? Unfair, too many clothes” Copter was able to string together the words which was no small feat, considering his short circuiting brain. He too was pulling at P' Kim’s clothes and Kim had gone stone still above him straddling his hips. Copter was consumed by a sudden wave of shyness and he stopped pulling P' Kim’s clothes and covered his face and moaned. He couldn’t look at P's face because the look on his face show so much hunger and need he was fearing for his life.

Kim is not a virgin by any means. But he could not remember when he had been this turned on. Copter was lying naked beneath him and he looked so inviting and ready. Kim wanted to devour the younger boy just this second. But his heart was not letting him. Because just as he had not been so turned on by someone, he had not loved anyone as much as he loves this sweet and beautiful boy. Just Copter being ready to give himself to Kim with no holding back, was something to treasure forever. “Copgi, is this… am I the first?” Kim asked and his stress levels went off the charts when Copter nodded his head shyly. Kim was sweating and he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes for a second trying to get control of his panicking heart.

P' Kim stopped what he was doing and sat above Copter with his eyes closed as in meditation. 'did I do something wrong. Is he repulsed by me being a virgin?' Copter working himself up for a situation and it was not good. “P’ Kim. I’m sorry.. I am not… experienced. I’m sorry that I would not know.. what to do” he said haltingly and that opened P' Kim’s eyes instantaneously.

“baby!” Kim was aghast at what Copter thought of his silence. He wanted kick himself hard for planting that seed of doubt in this precious being. “I was in awe… I was wondering what I have ever done in my life to deserve someone like you. I was trying to get my head around as to how I would make this the best experience of your life.” He bent down and nuzzled Copter’s neck making the boy giggle and squirm. “you can rest assure that you are not going to be able to walk for at least several days without feeling me” he whispered naughtily and bit Copter’s ear making him gasp.

Copter was scared and excited at the same time. His body was on sensory overload and there was nothing he could do to stop himself from moaning in ecstasy. His head was flung back on the bed giving easy access to P' Kim to devour. P' Kim’s hands were stroking his bare legs leaving a dirt trail everywhere it touched. He felt P's hand touch his most private place and all struggle left the younger boy’s body.

Kim felt the total surrender the moment he touched the boy’s perineum and he lost his battle with his self control. Kim captured Copter’s lips in a bruising kiss and started prepping the boy. He was surprised that he still had the sense to take care not to hurt his baby and make it a pleasurable experience as it could be. As he penetrated the boy, he was watching him like a hawk for any sign of discomfort or distress and was thrilled to see none. As they became one physical being and their eyes met and Kim lost his breath at the trust, honesty and vulnerability he saw in the younger boy’s eyes. He felt the weight of the responsibility he was undertaking and how he was going to lose all this in a very short while. He shook it all away and chose to live in the moment and give his all to the precious human being with him and hopes that Copter would understand him and forgive him for what he is about to do.

They climaxed together and at the highest moment of their love making, Kim captured Copter’s face in both his hands and looked deep in to the boy’s eyes. He hoped Copgi could see that he is at his most honest right now and believe him as he made his confession. “Copgi, no matter what happens in the future, I just want you to believe that I will love you and love only you for as long as I live” he said and kissed sealing the pledge with a kiss.

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