Chapter 4- And so it begins..

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Kim nearly fell off the chair trying to get up. He was ecstatic and he was stepping on his own feet. “Did you say what I think I heard you say?” he asked from the blushing boy sitting in front of him.

Copter was a goner. He found P 'Kim extremely adorable in this excited state. Him stumbling on his feet was the cutest thing he had seen in his whole life and Copter was falling in love with the older boy all over again. “I don’t know. What did you hear me say?” he was gaining much more confident in himself knowing how P' Kim felt about him.

Kimmon saw the teasing light on Copter’s face and he so wanted to kiss the boy’s smirk away. But this forward and playful Copter was such a turn on for him. “Why you are such cocky little brat, aren’t you.” He said pinching Copter’s dimpled cheek making the boy giggle which in turn made Kim's heart fill with warmth and happiness. “I heard you say yes” he said all jokes aside and dead serious. This feeling he has for Copter is not something to be taken lightly. He was scared actually, by the intensity of the emotions he felt for the younger boy. He was treading a totally new territory. Love and affection had never meant so much to him as right now. This was something thing to think about because love he felt for Copter is as serious as a heart attack.

Copter’s face lit up from within. He was glowing and he wanted to jump up and dance around. At the same time he was consumed by a wave of extreme shyness as well. He couldn’t even look up to meet P' Kimmon’s face to acknowledge him. But his P' was waiting for his reply “Then you heard it correctly” he said it so softly and he was almost sure P' had not heard him. He glanced towards where P' Kim was standing and was startled to find his face mere centimeters away from his. P' had moved without him even noticing it.

Kimmon grabbed the younger boy’s shoulders and turned him towards him. He then tilted Copter’s face by his chin so their eyes met. He wanted the other boy to know that he is sincere in this expression. “I am crazy about you. I know you are aware of my play boy attitude before. But I promise you Copter, I am done with it. You are the only one I need and I promise you are the only one I will love for the rest of my life.” He said and watched as Copter nod his head in agreement and the beautiful eyes glisten with unshed tears. Kimmon has run out of words. His brain completely emptied itself when he watched Copter looked at him with such vulnerability and innocence. “I will treasure you forever” he said and the brimming eyes spilled over. Kim leaned forward and captured the trembling soft lips and wished that his kiss would convey all that he failed to put into words.

Sound of people talking broke them apart in a hurry and Kimmon groaned in annoyance. Copter giggled again and stepped back cupping his flaming cheeks. “You will be late for class P'” he said and looked over P' Kim's shoulder to the door and saw his friends glaring at him. “and… you will have to take the other exit because if you take the one you used to enter, you might not make it to the class today” Copter said and P' Kim turned to look in the direction of the door and met with the hostile group of staring juniors.

Kim was not bothered about Copter’s glaring friends in the least. 'he said yes and I am the king of the world’ he thought to himself. “Oh I don’t care about them” he smirked at their glaring faces openly and turned back to face Copter. “I have you now. Nothing can harm or hurt me, I am invincible.” Kim said puffing out his chest and making Copter burst into a fit of giggles. Kim smiled at the laughing boy and his heart was going to beat itself to death or better yet jump out of his chest and go to Copter, panting like in the animated short movie he saw on YouTube. So he took matters into his hand and kissed the unsuspecting boy quickly on the lips and walked towards the exit where Copter’s friends we’re standing with their Jaws hanging down and eyes bulging in shock. He turned just as he was passing them and called out to Copter “I will pick you up after classes. Wait for me at the front” he said aloud and blew him a kiss for good measure. He gave the friends a sideways glance and walked away.

“What is the matter with you?! Why are you such an idiot Copter?” May slapped Copter’s head and knocked the stupid smile right off of his flushed face. “Think with you head up here” she poked at his temple “not down there” she then pointed to his crotch. The others just shook their heads in disbelief.

Copter was shocked at her brashness and slapped her hand away. “Stop it. I don’t understand how you people can be surprised at this turn of events. I have been crazy about him for all eternity and finally he acknowledged and he promised me. I am going to give him a chance to prove himself to me.” He looked at all of their faces one by one as if challenging then to disagree with him. “I wouldn't forgive myself if I didn’t even try, you guys. If it doesn’t work, then I can make up my mind. But if I didn’t even make an attempted, then I would forever be hopeful and expectant” he was now pleading his friends to understand his predicament. “As you guys know very well, it is not easy for me. Watching him from afar and not being able to do anything” Copter sat on his chair because, emotionally he was completely drained.

Rome was the first to move. He came forward and hugged the sitting boy and said “We love you Copter. We are scared you will get hurt. But we do understand what you are saying.” He straightened and looked at their friends “I think we should not interfere with Copter and support him in this. What he says makes sense, so what do you guys think?” the others all nodded not without some hesitance. But ultimately they all agreed to give Kimmon a chance. “But Cop, if he hurt you, we will end him” Rome said confidently and to that too everyone agreed.

“No!” Copter said standing up. “ If he hurts me you guys will not do such a thing. You have to promise me of this. If I’m hurt you can console me and help me get back on my feet. But you will not do anything to P' Kim. Promise me” he looked at his friends and put out his right hand. “Do it please, and show me your other hand, no crossing fingers” his friends stomped their feet, sighed in defeat and scowled at Copter, but they promised.

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