Chapter 6- Friendtervention!

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Copter was speed walking but he heard a familiar voice call out “Copter. Wait up.”

This was what he way trying so hard to avoid. But he couldn’t have succeeded in lame effort of avoidance because he would have met his friends in class. Even though he knew why they were calling him out and he very much knew that he was on for an earful of scolding there was no walking away from this predicament. “Hey guys” he greeted his friends sheepishly.

May stood in front of him, frowned at him and folded her arms across her chest as if to restraint herself from inflicting bodily harm to Copter. “How many days now?” she asked and some of their friends had confused looks about them but Copter understood the question perfect.

“Only 3 days May” Copter said in a voice so low he wasn’t been sure if he had voiced it out or had it been merely a thought.

“Only 3 days! So that is nothing is it? 3 full days of missed lessons, is nothing to you. Why don’t you drop out of school altogether and become a good little wifey to you hubby.” May was fuming and it looked as if steam would come out of her ears in soon. “What kind of a boyfriend is he? Makes you skip classes to meet him” she was angry with Kim.

Copter looked stricken as he waved his hands frantically “no no, P' Kim doesn’t even know I missed classes. May please you can’t tell him, I’m begging you” Copter was sure the scolding he would get if P' Kim found out about him skipping lectures to meet him would be nothing short of earth shattering and surely will end up making Copter shed a few tears.

May held up her hand “You brother, are fresh out of favors as well.” She turned around and walked away leaving Copter with his jaw hanging down.

“P’ I need to meet you”

The line message had Kimmon dumb struck and he was trying to place the unknown number messaging him. “Who is this please N'?” He messaged back once he came to the conclusion that he actually had no idea who was at the other  end.

“May, Copter’s friend. I need to speak to you. I am at the entrance of your faculty. So come down please” she had typed and just from reading the text written he got a sense of being scolded. However she was Copter’s friend and he would not keep her waiting, so he ran down the steps to meet her. When he neared where she stood he realized that she was not alone but there was another small boy standing next to her and both were frowning at him as if he had done some grave mistake. “Hello” he said tentatively looking at the 2 younger students.

“P’ let’s just cut straight to the chase, now shall we?” the girl, May, said and Kim's nervous smile vanished so fast he wasn’t even sure it ever existed. “What are you doing exactly? Why are you taking Copter for?” she asked and Kim felt as if he had been slapped across his face.

“What do you mean? What did I do? And as for the other question, what I take Copter for, he is everything to me” he said looking at the younger girl’s eyes and he could say that with so much conviction as well because if there was one thing he was sure in his life, it was the love he had for Copter.

“Oh, is that what they call it now?” the small boy asked sarcastically and Kim almost lost the ability to think rationally. They were being very hostile towards him and he was not even sure why.

“I don’t understand what you guys are talking about. Is Copter ok? Is there something wrong?” he was getting himself worked up over the questions and pulled out his phone and quick dialed Copter before they could stop him. “Copgi? Are you alright? Where are y…” May snatched his phone from his hand and disconnected the call. “What the hell is the matter with you?” Kim was losing his cool at an alarming speed and he was not even trying to control his rising temper. 'Who do they think they are? What wouldn’t they let me talk to my baby’ he thought as he try to get his phone back.

“Stop it P' I will give you your phone if you answer my question honestly.” May said and Kim stopped and nodded his head taking a deep breath to control himself.

“Why are you forcing Copter to meet you when he has classes. He is missing his lectures and that does not help him because the courses are already difficult enough.” The girl was telling him and Kimmon started to sweat. Last thing he wanted to do was disrupt Copter’s studies.

“I didn’t know that. I never once force him to come and meet me. If I had any idea that he was missing classes I would have never ask him to come, I swear” he said and his voice trembled with suppressed emotions. “I truly love him and would never even dream of hurting him in any way. You have to believe me.” He said.

“HOW COULD YOU!! You have no right to do this” they all turned around and saw Copter standing there. Kim rushed to him and engulfed the tiny body in his arms and squeezed the breath out. They were both crying hugging each other. “You are way out of line guys. You didn’t even know what was actually going on and came to confront him. Which is so out of line. It was my doing, my P' didn’t even know anything until you came and shouted at him.” Copter said wiping his face with the back of his sleeve. He turned to face his boyfriend and he hoped P' Kim could see how sorry he was “I’m so sorry P', you had to go through all that because of me.” A fresh tear rolled down his face as he looked at the face of the boy he loved.

“Baby, why did you do that? I would not have made you do something like that, ever” Kim said and wiped the tear drop off the smooth cheek and placed a kiss in its place. “Don’t think about what happened right now, we were just talking. But you have to promise me you will not do something like this ever again. If ever I call you and you can’t come, you have to tell me” he said and kissed the upturned lips of the smaller boy.

Copter felt blessed as P' Kim kissed him. He wanted to crawl up his body and cling to him like a koala. “I promise P'”

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